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House History

15th Congress (1817-1819)

Congress Overview

Roll Call Votes Only

Congressional Profile

Total Membership:
185 Representatives
4 Delegates
Party Divisions:*
146 Jeffersonian Republicans
39 Federalists
*Party division totals are based on election day results.

Leadership & Officers

Speaker of the House:
Henry Clay (D-Kentucky)
Clerk of the House:
Thomas Dougherty
Thomas Claxton
Sergeant at Arms:
Thomas Dunn
Chaplain of the House:
Rev. Burgess Allison - Baptist

To view complete lists of individuals who have served in these leadership and official positions since the 1st Congress, return to House History.

Office of the Clerk - U.S. Capitol, Room H154, Washington, DC 20515-6601
(202) 225-7000 | info.clerkweb@mail.house.gov