The Library of Congress > New THOMAS Features Home > About the New THOMAS (BETA)

Please let us know what you think about these new features.
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This BETA introduces new ways to help you find information on THOMAS. For example, it now is possible to search all of THOMAS from one search box. We've also added new capabilities for sorting results and refining searches. Learn more about the THOMAS BETA in these Frequently Asked Questions.

Please let us know what you think about these new features.

Description of the THOMAS BETA Home Page

screen shot of a THOMAS search results display.
  1. Search all of THOMAS
    Enter keywords or a bill number to search all of THOMAS. This search includes legislation, the Congressional Record, committee reports, presidential nominations, and treaties.

  2. Browse Current Legislation by Sponsor
    Browse legislation by sponsor for the current congress. See the number of items sponsored by members from the home page drop-down menu.

  3. Browse Current Legislation by Topic
    Select a topic to view legislation from the current congress.

  4. Guided Search for Presidential Nominations
    Not sure where to start? The guided search can help. Just answer the first question and you will be on your way!  For this BETA we are debuting the guided search for presidential nominations.

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