
February 18th, 2009

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Statement by U.S. Representative DeGette on Sham Republican Lobby Reform

May 3, 2006
Contact: In DC - Brandon MacGillis (202) 225-4431
In CO - Chris Arend (303) 844-4988 

 WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) issued the following statement regarding her vote against H.R. 4975, the so-called Lobbying Accountability Act.
“I support real lobbying reform and that’s why I voted against this bill.

“The Republican lobbying bill will do nothing to stop the ethical problems plaguing their party.  It will do nothing to stop the next Jack Abramoff.  It will do nothing curb the next Duke Cunningham.  About the only thing it will do is ensure the status quo.

“I voted for the Democrat’s real reform legislation that would have banned gifts and travel from lobbyists, banned official travel on corporate jets and closed the revolving door between government officials and lobbying firms.  Unfortunately, Republicans voted our bill down.

"If the Republican Leadership thinks this vote will fool the American public into thinking they’ve fixed their culture of corruption they’re more out of touch than I thought.”
