
February 18th, 2009

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Rep. DeGette Disappointed with Denver Judge's Ruling on Do Not Call List; Congress Looking at Possible Fixes

September 26, 2003

Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) expressed her disappointment with federal Judge Edward Nottingham’s ruling that the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Do Not Call Registry violated free speech protections. A member of the House Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over this issue, Rep. DeGette urged Congress to pass a Do-Not-Call plan that would pass constitutional muster.

“Advertisers do not have a Constitutional right to harass people during dinner time with marketing phone calls. This is a bipartisan issue where Republicans and Democrats, from President Bush down, are in agreement,” said Rep. DeGette. “Just as Congress worked to fix the problems in the Do-Not-Call plan after the Oklahoma court said it could not be enforced, we will work toward a solution to fix any problems in the Do-Not-Call plan raised by Judge Nottingham.”

Since the creation of the Federal Do-Not-Call list, more than 51 million consumers have registered their phone numbers with the FTC. Colorado has had a similar Do-Not-Call list in the state for two years. Over that period, consumers have placed more than 1 million cell, residential telephone and fax numbers on the list.
