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July 31, 2007: Congressman John Lewis E-Newsletter

Congressman John Lewis


In This Issue

» Out of Iraq Now

» On the House Floor

» Way and Means Committee

Please click here to view what's on the house floor

Out of Iraq NOW!

Everyday our soldiers remain in Iraq is a day too many.  America's bravest have been gone far too long, and it is time that these war-torn families are made whole once again.


On July 12th the House passed
HR 2956, the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act, by a vote of 223-201.
The legislation, sponsored by Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton,
would begin the responsible redeployment of U.S. troops within 120 days and
complete redeployment by April 1, 2008.  The President would have to report to
Congress why troops should remain in Iraq for limited purposes such as to fight
terrorism or to train Iraqi forces.

Watch Congressman Lewis speak about Iraq

On The House Floor:

$3 million for Atlanta Energy and Water Projects

On July 18th, the House of Representatives passed HR 2641, the Energy and Water Appropriations for FY 2008.  Congressman Lewis has been instrumental in his support for sewage and water infrastructure initiatives to alleviate long-standing problems in the Atlanta metro area. In a very tight budgetary environment where federal contribution to vital state initiatives has been radically reduced or eliminated across the country, Congressman Lewis was able to continue focused federal attention on Atlanta’s sewer and water problems.


$650k for Health-Related Programs

On July 19th, the House of Representatives passed the 2008 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Funding bill.  Congressman Lewis fought for and won funding for several important initiatives for Georgia’s 5th district, including:

  • Improve Quality of Care through Electronic Health Records, Atlanta, GA: $300,000
  • Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta, GA -- Sixty-Plus Senior Care Transition Grant Program: $150,000 
  • Project Excell, Fulton County, GA: $100,000
  • Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats, Atlanta, GA: $100,000


Ways and Means Committee:

Democracy in Action – Minimum Wage Increase Takes Effect

Working families spoke and Congress delivered the first increase in the minimum wage in a decade. Effective July 24, 2007, millions of Americans earning the minimum wage will bring home a bigger paycheck to help them keep pace with the rising cost of living. This raise will also renew their sense of dignity and self-respect for their contributions to our society. Millions of workers earning minimum wage are women and minorities who work long hours, sometimes juggling two or three jobs just to make ends meet. With this increase, we make an investment in America that will help raise the standard of living of millions of families for generations to come.

The Federal minimum wage will increase from $5.15 to $5.85 per hour and will continue to rise incrementally over the next two years until it reaches $7.25 per hour. Nearly 13 million Americans will benefit from this change.

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