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October 3, 2007: Rep. Lewis on Saving Georgia Hospital funding, and Expanding American Homeownership

In This Issue

  • Meeting the Challenge of Serving Diverse Communities

  • Requiring Health Coverage for Treatment of Mental Illness and Addiction Disorders

  • Congressman Lewis wins fight to reverse $44 million in cuts to Georgia Hospitals

  • The Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007, H.R. 1852

  • FAA Extension and Reauthorization

  • Meeting the Challenge of Serving Diverse Communities

    Last week, as Chairman of the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, I held a hearing examining whether tax-exempt charitable organizations are adequately serving the needs of diverse communities.

    Our resources and the resources of the charitable community do not exactly match our needs. Sadly, those with the greatest need are not always served. The hearing focused on the questions: how well do we reach diverse populations? And how can we do it better? It is our challenge and our duty to serve all people in need.

    We heard testimony from representatives of the charitable community about diversity and the mismatch between philanthropy and need. The needs of underserved communities are often overlooked until a major catastrophe. For instance, after Hurricane Katrina, the American Red Cross realized that it wasn't fully prepared to meet the challenges in all of the affected communities.

    We were also pleased to have Lesley Grady, the Vice President of Community Partnerships from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, who told us about the good work they're doing and shared some of their practices that are helping meet the needs of diverse communities in Greater Atlanta.

    I plan to continue working with the charitable community and federal, state and local governments, to build the network of services necessary to serve every American in need.

    To read Chairman John Lewis' opening statement, please CLICK HERE

    To read more about the hearing please CLICK HERE

    Requiring Health Coverage for Treatment of Mental Illness and Addiction Disorders

    The Ways and Means Committee passed HR 1424, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007 by a vote of 27 to 13.

    I am proud that the Committee passed this legislation, which I have long supported. We will no longer allow health plans to discriminate against people with mental illness and chemical addictions. The bill requires group health plans and group health insurers to cover treatment for mental illnesses and substance abuse the same way that medical and surgical benefits are covered.

    The bill requires plans to cover out-of-network services for mental health and substance abuse if they cover out-of-network services for medical and surgical benefits. The House bill also ensures that plans cover mental illness and substance abuse diagnoses that have been established by the medical community.

    This measure is long overdue for the millions of Americans who suffer from untreated mental illness and chemical addiction. It is the right and moral thing to do and I am proud to support this bill.

    Congressman Lewis wins fight to reverse $44 million in cuts to Georgia Hospitals

    Last week, my colleagues and I helped prevent $44 million in cuts to Georgia hospitals over the next two years. The Congress was forced to act last week to override a harmful regulation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that operates the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

    The CMS regulation would have implemented a new way of calculating hospital reimbursements based on complexity of medical diagnoses and services, while also imposing a percentage cut to total payments, know as a “behavioral offset,â€Â based on a CMS assumption that hospitals would improperly change the way they categorize patients for purposes of payment.

    Despite the fact that 412 members of Congress voted for an amendment that I offered to prevent these cuts, CMS ignored the clear will of Congress and enacted the regulation. Congress acted last week to prevent the cuts and make sure that future offsets in payment would be based on actual behavior of the hospitals.

    Georgia hospitals will receive $17,534,840 in fiscal year 2008 and $26,787,974 in fiscal year 2009 because of the action Congress took last week. There will be a total benefit of $44,322,814 to Georgia hospitals over the next two years.

    The Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007, H.R. 1852

    Every day, Georgians are faced with the growing threat of losing their homes to foreclosure. Many of these hardworking American's have fallen victim to predatory lending schemes, which take advantage of those individuals facing the greatest hardships.

    The Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007 is a critical first step in responding to the current sub-prime mortgage crisis and the threat of foreclosure facing many Americans. H.R. 1852 strengthens protections for the most vulnerable borrowers by providing them Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans as an alternative to predatory lending. I voted for H.R. 1852 because the mortgage crisis threatens thousands of American families.

    Affordable housing is crucial to strong families, strong communities, and a strong economy. H.R. 1852 will help many of our neighbors keep their homes while helping others fulfill their dream of homeownership. We are doing much more in the area of housing and will keep you updated as these pieces of legislation move through the House of Representatives.

    FAA Extension and Reauthorization

    This year Congress has worked in a bipartisan manner to modify America's outdated air traffic control system.

    Many Americans have complained about congestion, environmental, technology, passengers' rights, and other aviation issues. Home to the busiest airport in the world - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport - Georgia's 5th Congressional District has a large stake in the FAA reauthorization process.

    As a former Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and a senior Member of the Ways and Means Committee, I played a vocal role in urging for an aggressive review of the aviation system.

    Last week, the House passed H.R. 2881, the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2007, and H.R. 3540, the Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2007. Both H.R. 2881 and H.R. 3540 -- help move our air traffic control system in the 21st century. Not only is there a strong outlook on labor and passenger's rights, but the legislation establishes a framework for the technology, facilities, and staff to simplify the stress and costs of air travel for American passengers.

    As these critical bills continue to advance through the Senate and the conference process, I will continue to make sure that the Metro Atlanta concerns are heard and considered in the final solution.

    For more information from the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee CLICK HERE

    For more information from the Ways & Means Committee CLICK HERE

    Upcoming Events

    Trade/Oversight Joint Subcommittee Hearing - October 4th

    Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman Sander M. Levin (D-MI) and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman John Lewis (D-GA) announced that the Subcommittees will hold a joint hearing on import safety. The hearing will take place on Thursday, October 4, in the main Committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

    Service Academy Day - October 20th
    10:30 - 12:30 AM - Georgia Power Auditorium

    Congressman Lewis will host Service Academy Day at the Georgia Power Auditorium and representatives from each of the five military service academies will be available to meet with prospective applicants and answer questions. For students who plan to apply to one of the five military service academies, attendance is not mandatory but highly encouraged. Contact Congressman Lewis’ District Office at (404) 659 – 0116 for more information.

    John Lewis
    Member of Congress

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