Armed Services

"American troops are currently engaged in conflicts around the world. We must give our armed forces the best possible chance to succeed, no matter what mission they are assigned. They need nothing less than the best training and supplies, but they also deserve a winning strategy. I will work every day on the Armed Services Committee to make certain that our military has the resources and leadership necessary to protect freedom and liberty across the globe."

-Senator Roland W. Burris

Senator Burris recognizes the important role the U.S. military plays in maintaining our freedom. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he has fought to secure proper funding to keep our troops safe in combat zones, and has provided crucial oversight to make certain that our military resources are being used both efficiently and judiciously. Senator Burris believes that American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines need to be the best trained, best equipped, and best commanded troops in the world before they are put in harm’s way.
Senator Burris is also committed to providing other crucial services to our troops, including post-deployment mental health screenings. When soldiers return from combat, we owe it to them to make certain they are not suffering from mental illnesses such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Senator Burris remembers that military deployments affect many people, not just those who ship out - and that is why he is dedicated to supporting American military families. He strongly supports initiatives such as Impact Aid for school districts that serve military communities. Impact aid directs funding to majority military schools, in order to provide for extra counseling and special needs related to the concerns of students with parents deployed overseas.

Senator Burris is constantly reminded of the exemplary service that American troops render to our nation every single day, and he is committed to fighting for them in the U.S. Senate.

Click to download document:

Burris FY 2011 Armed Services Authorization Requests

Burris Amendment on Women's Health

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