Jobs & Economy

“Today, a record number of people are dealing with long-term unemployment, and millions of Americans are struggling to feed their families, keep their homes, and afford the skyrocketing costs of healthcare. While I have been encouraged by some of the early signs of economic recovery, American families need help now. We must rebuild the core of our economy, rid our system of corporate corruption, protect the rights of workers, and create new, well-paying jobs by investing in green technology and high-tech industry.”

- Senator Roland W. Burris

Senator Burris remains committed to our continuing economic recovery. However, even as some key indicators begin to turn the corner, he believes we must work harder than ever to ensure that everyone is able to share in the promise of renewed prosperity.

Spending and Oversight

As we work to get this economy back on track, Senator Burris believes we need to make sure every dollar is spent wisely. He has vast experience in this area.

During his three terms as Comptroller of Illinois, Senator Burris worked hard to maintain accountability as money was distributed. He also understands the importance of transparency and robust oversight.

That is why Senator Burris, along with his colleagues, Chairman Lieberman,  Ranking Member Collins, and Senator McCaskill,  has introduced S. 1064, the Enhanced Oversight of State and Local Economic Recovery Act. This bill amends the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

This measure would set aside up to one half of one percent of all stimulus funds and allow state and local governments to use this administrative expense reserve to distribute and track the stimulus money as it is received and spent. These costs are currently unfunded, leaving taxpayers with no concrete assurance that their money is being efficiently delivered to where it is most needed.

Senator Burris' legislation would change that, mandating careful oversight and strict regulation as every dollar is spent. It would also require regular reports on job creation and provide access to GSA purchase schedules, so that lawmakers and citizens alike can track our progress on the road to recovery.

This measure represents common sense and simple good governance. Senator Burris knows we must ensure that our efforts are not penny-wise and pound-foolish. The American people demand not just basic reform, but a sweeping expansion of oversight and accountability for their stimulus dollars.

Workers' Rights

At the root of America’s economic trouble is a culture of greed and corruption.  As large corporations cut benefits to save money, we see dramatic increases in CEO pay.  As workers watch their hard-earned financial security disappear, corporate leaders abandon failing companies with golden parachutes worth hundreds of millions of dollars. 

This has to stop. Senator Burris fights for workers every day in the United States Senate. He is working to ensure that CEOs and their employees have an equal investment in the success of their companies as well as the American economy as a whole.  More importantly, Senator Burris believes we need to make sure American jobs are jobs worth having.

Senator Burris knows that American workers make up the core of our economy. As an original cosponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act, the Paycheck Fairness Act, and The Employee Non-Discrimination Act of 2009, Senator Burris is working to allow workers to unionize and engage in collective bargaining, ensure that no one receives less pay for equal work simply due to gender, and prohibit employers from discriminating based on sexual orientation.

Senator Burris believes we are a better nation when everyone has an opportunity to succeed. He will continue to do everything he can to help grow our economy, demand accountability from Wall Street, and protect the rights of hard-working Americans.

New Jobs

Senator Burris and his colleagues are committed to stabilizing our economy and getting the nation back on a path to growth and shared prosperity.  As part of this effort, Congress has passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  Senator Burris’ vote on this measure, and his support of President Obama’s priorities, were crucial to the final passage of the bill, which has already started to help restore our economic strength. 

Funding from the Recovery Act is currently being used to jumpstart many sectors of our economy.  This includes tax breaks for 95% of working families, creating and saving more than 3.5 million jobs in a range of industries, and making college more affordable through Pell Grant awards. 

The Recovery Act has also had a tangible impact on the State of Illinois.  Illinois has received $260 million in stimulus funding as part of the Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program. This invaluable initiative provides housing opportunities for Illinoisans living in rural areas.  In addition, the City of Chicago has been awarded over $13 million for the hiring and rehiring of law enforcement officers to keep the Chicago streets safe and secure. A further $100 million has been allocated to modernize the teacher workforce throughout our state.

Senator Burris believes we need to look to the future and invest in new technology and targeted growth industries. By investing in green industry, we can protect our planet while creating jobs that cannot be shipped overseas. Senator Burris is convinced that by working together, our economy will come back stronger than before and lead America into a new age of prosperity.

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