News Item

Contact: Ashley Patterson (202) 225-1640

STATEMENT: Final Health Care Reform Bill Passes House, Historic Moment for Nation
Landmark Health Care Reform Plan Just One Signature Away from Becoming Law

Washington, Mar 26 -

Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) today released the following statement after voting in support of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 4872, the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010. With this passage, the health care reform reconciliation package moves to the President’s desk to be signed into law. Upon the President’s signature, the entire health care reform plan will move forward, thus enacting the most comprehensive health care policy in United States’ history.

"Tonight, we are one signature away from enacting the most historic health care plan in our nation’s history. With this bill, we ensure all Americans have equal access to health care by creating a plan to insure 32 million Americans, including 202,500 constituents in my district. By 2014, this landmark initiative will protect over 250 million Americans from losing their health insurance by banning health insurance companies from dropping insurance, capping coverage and denying coverage all together. This historic vote is a pivotal moment for our country. Texas, as the most uninsured state in the nation, will be one of the greatest beneficiaries of this bill and my constituents will gain coverage, health care access and affordability for the future."

To calculate how this health care reform plan will benefit individuals and families through health care coverage, visit this Washington Post health insurance calculator: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/what-health-bill-means-for-you/

Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the U.S. House Homeland Security, Agriculture, and Government Oversight & Reform Committees in the 111th Congress. Accessibility to constituents, education, health care, economic development, and national security are his priorities. Congressman Cuellar is also a Senior Whip and member of the Blue Dog Coalition.

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