News List
  • Cuellar announces $5.6 Million for Planning New Passenger Rail Line in South Texas
    Nov 1, 2010  - Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), along with the Texas Democratic delegation, announced that the Department of Transportation has awarded Texas and Oklahoma a $5,600,000.00-grant as part of the High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program. These funds will be used to complete necessary... More
  • Lending for Texas Small Businesses to Expand and Create Jobs
    Oct 19, 2010  - Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar announced that $46,553,879 has been allocated to lend to small businesses in Texas by the Treasury Department, in a key step of implementing the just-passed Small Business Jobs Act.  States can now apply for their allocation.  This effort provides $15 billion nationw... More
  • Pres. Obama Signs Cuellar Bill to Streamline FEMA grants
    Oct 12, 2010  - Today, President Obama signed into law legislation authored by Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo) to increase the accountability and efficiency of homeland security grants. H.R. 3980, the Redundancy Elimination and Enhanced Performance for Preparedness Grants Act, requires FEMA to take an inventor... More
  • Cuellar Bill to End Waste Passes Senate Committee
    Oct 1, 2010  - Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX 28) announced that his bipartisan legislation to increase government efficiency and decrease waste is one step closer to becoming law, after H.R. 2142, the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 passed the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental ... More
    Sep 28, 2010  - Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced that a $30 billion-lending fund to increase lending to small businesses became law yesterday.  The legislation also contains nearly $12 billion in tax cuts for small businesses. The $30 billion in funds, administered by the Treasury Department, will be ... More
  • Unemployment Benefits Pass the House, Will Aid Texans
    Jul 22, 2010  - Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) helped pass emergency legislation to assist millions of Americans and thousands of Texans with financial assistance during these tough economic times. The Unemployment Compensation Act will help 2.5 million American families with unemployment benefits through... More
  • Cuellar Supports $30 Billion for Small Business Lending Fund
    Jun 17, 2010  - Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) supported the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act to establish a new community bank fund worth $30 billion to increase lending to small businesses looking to hire and expand their operations. "By providing this funding we can get credit flowing again to sm... More
  • Economic Report Shows U.S. Economy Back On Track
    Apr 30, 2010  - Washington, DC – Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) today released the following statement in response to a Commerce Department report released Friday that shows the U.S. economy grew swiftly in the first quarter of 2010, calling it a good sign as the nation continues on a path of economic recovery. ... More
  • Tax Cut Postcards Mailed to Small Businesses
    Apr 21, 2010  - Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) today announced that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is mailing 4.4 million postcards to the nation’s small businesses to inform them of tax cuts included in health care reform. Postcards will be delivered over the next two weeks to over 292,500 small businesses ... More
  • Cuellar Budget Bill Would Audit Federal Programs
    Apr 14, 2010  - Today, performance-based budgeting legislation, authored by Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), was center-stage at a House congressional hearing reviewing the oversight of federal financial management. The legislation calls for the nation’s federal programs to be assessed at least once every five ye... More

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