Project preserves veterans' stories for future generations - Daily Breeze

Throughout our nation's history - at sea, in the air and on the ground - America's servicewomen and men have ensured our security and prosperity. Not all of these heroes returned home, their bright futures cut short in the defense of our liberty. As we honor and remember them on this Memorial Day, we must reaffirm our commitment to the veterans of today and tomorrow.

Ensuring a smooth transition to civilian life for those troops who do return is paramount. Franklin Roosevelt recognized this need when he signed into law the original G.I. Bill, a landmark measure offering free college tuition to 15 million veterans. Two colleagues in Congress - Sen. Frank Lautenberg and John Warner, as well as dozens of South Bay residents - received their higher education as a result of the G.I. Bill.

We owe no less to the current generation of American veterans. That is why both the House and Senate have just passed the G.I. Bill for the 21st Century, which provides similar education benefits to today's veterans and, this time, rightly includes the reserves and National Guard as well.

Recording and sharing the individual stories of our veterans is another way to honor their service. Since 2000, the Library of Congress has archived the written, audio and video histories of more than 100,000 veterans through its Veterans' History Project, including Wilmington's own Paul Munoz.

Munoz, a private during the Korean War, distinguished himself in 1953's Battle of Pork Chop Hill. A member of the Pioneer and Ammunition Company, he was tasked with transporting ammunition, medical supplies and wounded soldiers. They were ordered to remove troops from Company K stuck inside their bunker - which had collapsed upon them from an incoming enemy mortar. Amid sniper fire, Munoz's company succeeded in getting all of the soldiers out of the bunker and brought them to safety. Then they went back up the hill to rescue more of their wounded comrades. For his bravery, Pfc.Munoz was awarded the Bronze Star.

My office has worked with many veterans from the 36th Congressional District to catalog their remarkable stories for the project. To the veterans and their loved ones who are reading this, your stories are important, too, and I urge you to contact me or the project directly at 202-707-4916, or

This Memorial Day, we honor the generations of soldiers who gave and still give their lives for America - including the 11 brave men from Torrance, Wilmington, Lomita and Redondo Beach killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. This month, on my fourth trip to Iraq, I thanked dozens of California soldiers deployed there. A grateful nation owes them our freedom.

Jane Harman represents the South Bay's 36th Congressional District.


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