HARMAN CALLS ON DOJ TO RELEASE ALL MATERIALS RELATED TO POSSIBLE WIRETAPPED CONVERSATIONS Says "It is my intention to make this material available to the public"

Washington, D.C. -- Following below is a copy of a letter Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-CA) sent to Attorney General Eric Holder today:

April 21, 2009

The Honorable Eric Holder
Attorney General
Department of Justice
Washington, DC  20530

Dear General Holder:

I am outraged to learn from reports leaked to the media over the last several days that the FBI or NSA secretly wiretapped my conversations in 2005 or 2006 while I was Ranking Member on the House Intelligence Committee. 

This abuse of power is outrageous and I call on your Department to release all transcripts and other investigative material involving me in an unredacted form.  It is my intention to make this material available to the public. 

I also urge you to take appropriate steps to investigate possible wiretapping of other Members of Congress and selective leaks of investigative material which can be used for political purposes.  As you know, it is entirely appropriate to converse with advocacy organizations and constituent groups, and I am concerned about a chilling effect on other elected officials who may find themselves in my situation. 

Let me be absolutely clear:  I never contacted the Department of Justice, the White House or anyone else to seek favorable treatment regarding the national security cases on which I was briefed, or any other cases.  You may be aware that David Szady, the FBI's former top counterintelligence official, is quoted in the media saying of me "…in all my dealings with her, she was always professional and never tried to intervene or get in the way of any investigation."





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