News Item

Texas Migrant Council pleased with reauthorization of Head Start Act
María González-Escareño, Rio Grande Guardian

Laredo, TX, Nov 30, 2007 - www.RioGrandeGuardian.com

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, announced the reauthorization of the Head Start for School Readiness Act, which gives children access to early education and child development programs. 

Cuellar made the announcement at the Villa Alegre Head Start Center, accompanied by Aliza Oliveros, Webb County Head Start director, Mary Capello, Texas Migrant Council CEO, and Texas Migrant Council board member Blas Castaneda.

The act authorizes funding of $7.4 billion for fiscal year 2008, $7.7 billion for fiscal year 2009 and $7.9 billion for fiscal year 2010, and similar sums necessary for fiscal year 2011 and fiscal year 2012. With this reauthorization, tens of thousands of children across the nation will have access to the Head Start program. The reauthorization of the act had failed to pass during the previous two Congressional terms. This time, it passed with bipartisan support.

“This is important because a lot of things have changed and we need to make adjustments, put more money to make sure we are able to have a better Head Start,” said Cuellar. “The reauthorization is helping all children succeed in school and in life.”

One of the provisions of the act calls for improving teacher and classroom quality, which will require half of Head Start program teachers nationwide to have a Bachelors degree by 2013. The act stipulates teacher salary improvement and support for professional development. The act also focuses on strengthening school readiness, which includes an emphasis on children's emerging literacy and vocabulary skills.
“I've always said this,” said Cuellar. “With all due respect, we are not baby sitters. We are here to teach children and to mold their minds. This is why we spend a lot of money and time to make sure our children are ready for school.”

Cuellar amended the act to include language addressing limited English-proficient children. The amendment requires that Head Start programs increase their focus on children and families with limited English proficiency.

“One of the things we have to make sure, in the border area where there's a lot of children that start with the Spanish language, is that we work with them. We need to make sure we use the right evaluations, make sure that we have the right way of making sure they progress,” said Cuellar.

Cuellar also said that focusing on children and families with limited English proficiency was crucial across the nation given the increasing number of the Hispanic population.

The National Reporting System, which is a testing regime used to evaluate 4-year-old children, is terminated by this reauthorization. Cuellar said President Bush did not agree with this part of the bill, but that this disapproval was not sufficient for a veto. “We checked yesterday to make sure he doesn't have a veto,” he said.

The act also provides for an expansion to include children whose family income is just above the federal poverty line. The extension covers up to 30 percent above the poverty line. Children with greater economic needs will remain the program's top priority. Other act provisions include ensuring that Head Start centers are well-run, boosting coordination between Head Start and other children's programs and strengthening services for families of Head Start children.

“There is no question that the Head Start provides and prepares the children with one of the best programs that I have seen,” said Capello, Texas Migrant Council director. “I've been here for seven years, I have seen what Head Start does and it works. The benefits are tremendous.”

The Head Start program is a comprehensive child development and early education program for low-income children of up to 5 years of age. The program serves more than 3,100 children in Laredo and over one million across the nation.

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