A Comparison of Science and
Funding for
DoD’s Space and Nonspace Programs

January 15, 2008





Introduction and Summary

CBO’s Analysis of Funding for Space and Nonspace Programs

Comparing Science and Technology Intensity for Selected Space Programs

Appendix A: Budgetary Treatment of Funding for the Department of Defense’s RDT&E and Science and Technology Activities

Appendix B: Time-Series Data for Army, Air Force, and Navy Science and Technology Intensities

Appendix C: Projects and Subprojects Associated With Direct Science and Technology Funding Supporting Selected Department of Defense Space Programs

Appendix D: Time-Series Funding Data for the DMSP, NPOESS, DSP, and SBIRS-H Programs



1. Schedule Delays and Cost Growth for Selected DoD Satellite Programs

C-1. Projects and Subprojects Associated With Direct S&T Funding for the NPOESS and Defense Meteorological Satellite Programs

C-2. Projects and Subprojects Associated With Direct S&T Funding for the SBIRS-H and the Defense Support Programs

C-3. S&T Intensity for Selected DoD Space Programs Under Different Assumptions About Allocating Subproject Funding



1. Average Science and Technology Intensity for Space and Nonspace Programs, by Military Service

2. Planned Science and Technology Intensity for the Army’s Space Programs

3. Planned Science and Technology Intensity for the Air Force’s Space Programs

4. Science and Technology Intensity Over the Lifetimes of Two Ongoing Space Programs and Their Predecessor Programs

B-1. Science and Technology Intensity for the Army’s Space and Nonspace Programs

B-2. Science and Technology Intensity for the Air Force’s Space and Nonspace Programs

B-3. Science and Technology Intensity for the Navy’s Nonspace Programs

D-1. Actual and Planned Investment in the National Polar- Orbiting Environmental Satellite System

D-2.Investment in the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program

D-3. Actual and Planned Investment in the Space-Based Infrared System in High-Earth Orbit

D-4. Investment in the Defense Support Program

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