Water Resources Development Act Requests

Congress is considering the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), which authorizes studies and projects within the US Army Corps of Engineers, including navigation, flood damage reduction, hurricane and storm damage reduction, shoreline protection, and environmental restoration.

As with the appropriations process, it is important to me that constituents and the general public understand and have access to information about federal funding for water projects and how Members of Congress may be involved.

I have applied to WRDA the same principles I applied to my appropriations requests:

  • Only projects based in the 36th Congressional District have been considered.
  • Each request is limited to a maximum of $2 million.
  • All projects are limited to public sector or not-for-profit recipients.
  • State and local entities submitting requests should be prepared to contribute a substantial share of the total funding for a project.
  • Regional and joint approaches are strongly encouraged.


Here are the Projects I have submitted to the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee for its consideration:

Project: Ballona Creek restoration

Revitalizing Ballona Creek by removing concrete flood channel, regrading banks, reconnecting floodplain and restoring natural water flows, native vegetation and habitat.

Project: Water Quality Improvement at Redondo Beach’s King Harbor/Santa Monica Bay

Enhancing pier drainage collection and treatment devices targeted at removing pollutants currently discharging directly into the Harbor; enhancing trash collection & removal devices; diverting dry weather urban runoff into sanitary sewers for treatment; and improving boater outreach and education.   

Project: West Basin Municipal Water District;

The Harbor/South Bay Water Recycling Project will treat and distribute up to 48,000 acre-feet of recycled water for municipal, industrial, and environmental purposes in the Los Angeles Area.