Press Releases

Van Hollen Fights for Wall Street Reform
"Never again should millions of Americans have to lose their jobs because of reckless conduct on Wall Street."

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Washington, Jun 30, 2010 -

Today, Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Assistant to the Speaker, spoke on the floor of the House in support of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Below is a transcript of his remarks:

“Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

“The purpose of the Wall Street accountability bill is very clear. Never again should the American taxpayer be asked to foot the bill for bad bets made on Wall Street. Never again should millions of Americans have to lose their jobs because of reckless conduct on Wall Street. And never again will we allow the American economy to be held hostage to bad decisions on Wall Street [and] in the financial sector.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, our colleagues on the other side of the aisle haven't gotten that message. Having stood in this chamber and voted to help rescue Wall Street and the financial sector, they are not there for Main Street today.

“And I think some headlines are instructive.

Wall Street Journal, February 4, 2010.  GOP chases Wall Street donors. Quote: ‘In discussions with Wall Street executives, Republicans are striving to make the case that they are the banks’ best hope of preventing president Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats from cracking down on Wall Street.’

Roll Call, December 8, 2009. GOP meets with 100 lobbyists to plot to kill Wall Street reform. Quote: ‘In a call to arms House Republican leaders met with more than 100 lobbyists at the Capitol Visitor Center on Tuesday afternoon to try and fight back against financial regulatory overhaul legislation.’

“That’s the story of this debate. And the choice is clear. Are we going to be on the side of the big banks, who held the American economy hostage, resulted in the loss of millions of jobs, and left the taxpayer on the hook? Or are we going to stay on the side of consumers, taxpayers, American workers, and small businesses?

“The choice is very clear. Back in December, every one of our Republican colleagues voted no on Wall Street accountability. Let’s hope that this time they stand on the side of the American taxpayer and the American consumer, and make the right choice for the American people.

“Thank you, Mr. Speaker.”

Click here to watch the video of Congressman Van Hollen’s remarks.


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