HARMAN, FEINSTEIN INTRODUCE BILL TO REDUCE AIRCRAFT NOISE IN LENNOX SCHOOLS Legislation would release millions in noise abatement funding


In 1980, Lennox School District and the City of Los Angeles settled a lawsuit concerning aircraft flight paths over Lennox schools.  In the agreement, Lennox gave the City an easement that allowed planes carrying up to 40 million people per year to fly overhead, and the City paid Lennox approximately $2.5 million.  But due to air traffic growth, airplane-generated noise pollution grew exponentially over the years and led to a second lawsuit. Lennox and Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) reached a settlement in 2005, and LAWA agreed to pay the school district $110 million in airport funds for noise mitigation. In interpreting the original 1980 agreement, the Federal Aviation Administration, which has jurisdiction over airport spending, deemed that the money could only be released through legislative means. This bill would allow the implementation of the 2005 settlement agreement between Lennox Schools and LAWA.

Said Harman: "Lennox students are essentially attending class on an airport runway, and that is no way for a child to learn. These funds are essential.  They will be used to help replace mobile units with permanent soundproof facilities and soundproof other, existing buildings.  Our legislation will right a wrong and give Lennox kids a quiet environment that better promotes a quality education."

Senator Feinstein added: "Currently, an airplane flies a few hundred feet above the Lennox and Inglewood schools about every three minutes.  The noise is deafening.  It rattles windows, disrupts lessons, and makes it very difficult for these students to learn," Senator Feinstein said. "The bill Senator Boxer and I have put forward would help to soundproof the schools from the aircraft noise.  This legislation offers a straightforward solution to an untenable problem.  I encourage my colleagues in the House and Senate to support this legislation."


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