Videos About GAO

60 Minutes Features GAO Work

On January 10, 2010, the CBS Program "60 Minutes" ran a piece heavily based on GAO's reports looking at the Secure Border Initiative. Rich Stana, a Director in the Homeland Security and Justice team, is featured.
Watch the video at CBS News  

GAO Video Playlist

Dec 30, 2009

More Than Numbers, December 2009

A quick introduction to the mission and work of the agency, this video tells the GAO story through television news coverage of GAO's work.


More Than Numbers, December 2009
More Than Numbers, December 2009

A quick introduction to the mission and work of the agency, this video tells the GAO story through television news coverage of GAO's work.

GAO Executive Overview, October 2009
GAO Executive Overview, October 2009

This video provides an overview of GAO's goals and operations, including the agency's responsibilities, core values, organizational structure, engagement process, and accomplishments.

CNN Video, July 2009
CNN Video, July 2009

This CNN report profiles GAO and its role in the federal government.