Speeches and Floor Statements

Van Hollen Statement on the CLEAR Act and the Offshore Oil and Gas Worker Whistleblower Act

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Washington, Jul 30, 2010 -

Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of today’s oil spill response legislation, and I commend Chairmen Rahall, Miller, Waxman, Oberstar and Conyers for bringing this package to the floor today.

The Consolidated Land, Energy and Aquatic Resources (CLEAR) Act corrects a number of major defects in current law that have come to light in the Deepwater Horizon disaster.  First, and most importantly, it ensures BP – not the taxpayer – is held responsible for the full cost of the cleanup.  Second, it strengthens offshore drilling standards and requires independent certification of critical safety equipment.  Third, it provides desperately needed reform to the scandal ridden Mineral Management Service by separating its permitting, inspection and collection functions.  Fourth, it eliminates royalty loopholes that allow oil companies to shortchange taxpayers when extracting resources from public lands.  And finally, it makes good on a 45 year old promise to fully fund the Land Water and Conservation Fund so that Americans can enjoy our nation’s natural, historical and recreational resources  for generations to come.  

The Offshore Oil and Gas Worker Whistleblower Act (HR 5851) complements today’s package by extending whistleblower protections to oil rig workers on the Outer Continental Shelf.  Specifically, employers would be prohibited from discharging or otherwise discriminating against employees who report injuries, unsafe working conditions or alleged violations of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.  Had these protections been in place, the Deepwater Horizon workers with serious safety concerns about the operation of their rig could have had more confidence about coming forward prior to the explosion.

Madam Speaker, today’s legislation is an important and necessary part of our nation’s response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.  I urge a yes vote and yield back the balance of my time. 

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