Chairman’s Welcome Message
As Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, I’m pleased to welcome you to our Web site.
There are few principles more important to me than ensuring that our veterans receive the honor and dedicated care that their courage and bravery demand. Owing to that solemn duty, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is dedicated to improving health care and benefits for our veterans.
This Web site is designed to allow you to interact with the Committee as it continues this important work. You will find information on our membership, history, upcoming and past hearings, legislation and other important news concerning Committee action.
If you’re looking for information on veterans’ benefits, you’ll find numerous helpful links in the “Veterans Benefits” section.
Thank you for your interest in our committee.
News Alert: Inaccurate information regarding disability payments for veterans has been circulated on the internet
Rumor: There is a bill on President Obama’s desk that would nearly double the basic pay rate for service-connected disabled veterans.
Fact: President Obama signed H.R. 4667, The Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2010, which would provide an increase in the rates of compensation for veterans with a service-connected disability, based on an October 15 computation of the Consumer Price Index. Data accumulated to date indicates that it is unlikely that the CPI will increase by an amount necessary to increase the COLA for veterans, although the final calculation will be announced mid-October.
Committee Schedule
Committee Spotlight
Landmark Accomplishments for House Committee on Veterans' Affairs - 2007-2010
Obama Signs Caregiver Bill - Download mp4 or mp3 here.Click Here for information on VA Mental Health