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Internships and Fellowships PDF Print

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee offers three types of internships and fellowships on the majority staff: college internships, graduate internships, and post-graduate fellowships. All three programs are intended to provide educational benefit by exposing the intern or fellow to the work of the Oversight Committee.

The primary responsibility of college interns is to assist in the daily operations of the Committee, including answering phones, sorting mail, entering data, and performing other administrative tasks. College interns may also be asked to assist the Committee’s professional staff by conducting background research, organizing and reviewing documents, attending meetings, and preparing material for Committee hearings and business meetings.

The primary responsibility of graduate interns and post-graduate fellows is to assist the Committee’s professional staff by conducting background research, organizing and reviewing documents, attending meetings, and preparing material for Committee hearings and business meetings. When need arises, graduate interns and post-graduate fellows may also be asked to perform administrative tasks.

The Oversight Committee has several offices: a main committee office, offices that work on oversight investigations, and five subcommittee offices. Interns and fellows may be assigned to any of these offices, depending on the interests of the intern or fellow and the needs of the offices. The specific tasks assigned to each intern or fellow will depend on needs of the office in which the intern or fellow is working.

Internships and fellowships can last from one month to one year. Interns and fellows generally work full time, but part-time arrangements are also possible. Moderate stipends may be available for up to four months for interns and fellows who are not receiving school credit or compensation through an established fellowship program for their work with the Committee.

To apply for an internship or fellowship, please send a resume, cover letter and writing sample to the Committee’s intern coordinator at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . You may also contact the intern coordinator with any questions that you may have about the program.

Internships with the Republican staff of the Committee are handled by the minority office of the Committee. The website of the Committee’s Republican members is


Committee On Oversight and Government Reform

U.S. House of Representatives | 2157 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, D.C. 20515 | (202) 225-5051