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    June 9, 2009 - Slaughter Announces Approval of $400,00 for Crime Lab and Programs for At-Risk Youth
    Wednesday, 10 June 2009 11:09


    Tuesday, June 09, 2009


    Slaughter Announces Approval of $400,00 for Crime Lab and Programs for At-Risk Youth


    Rochester, NY - Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Rules, is pleased to announce that the House Appropriations Committee approved key funding that she requested for the Monroe County Crime Lab and the City of Rochester's after-school jobs program for at-risk youth.

    "I am proud to announce that we are a step closer to funding these important local initiatives," said Rep. Slaughter.  "These critical federal dollars will go a long way to reduce backlog at the Monroe County Crime Lab and give a leg up to at-risk youth across the region."

    The House Appropriations Committee approved $200,000 requested by Rep. Slaughter for the Monroe County Crime Lab and $200,000 requested by Rep. Slaughter for the City of Rochester' after-school jobs program for at-risk youth.

    This funding is part of the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill, one of twelve federal appropriations bills. The full House of Representatives is expected to approve on the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill next week. 



    The House Appropriations Committee approved $200,000 requested by Rep. Slaughter for the Monroe County Crime Lab to support a Biology DNA Module. The current backlog in the DNA area is 4 ½ years. This module is expected to reduce it to 30 days. 

    The House Appropriations Committee approved $200,000 requested by Rep. Slaughter for the City of Rochester After-School Jobs Program for At-Risk Youth.  This program will provide after-school job training and employment counseling for Rochester high school students.  During the initial two-year pilot period, the program is expected to prepare 200 Rochester teenagers for employment, and place them in after-school jobs.




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