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    June 15, 2009 - Slaughter Announces Federal Funding to Provide Local High School Dropouts With Educa
    Thursday, 18 June 2009 12:09


    Monday, June 15, 2009


    Slaughter Announces Federal Funding to Provide Local High School Dropouts With Education and Training



    Rochester, NY - Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Rules, is pleased to announce that the Urban League of Rochester (ULR) received a $687,500 YouthBuild grant from the Department of Labor, key federal funding to provide young people with education and training.

    ULR will operate a YouthBuild program serving high school dropouts ages 18 to 24 in Rochester. It is estimated that the city's four-year high school graduation rate stands at only 45%.

    "Especially here in Rochester where we are struggling with high drop out rates, it is important that we support community programs to help prepare our young people for the future," said Rep. Slaughter.  "I am proud to announce this key federal funding for ULR's YouthBuild program to arm our young people with the tools they need to succeed like education, skills training, and leadership development."

    YouthBuild Grants are used to provide disadvantaged youth with: the education and employment skills necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency in occupations in high demand and postsecondary education and training opportunities; opportunities for meaningful work and service to their communities; and opportunities to develop employment and leadership skills and a commitment to community development among youth in low-income communities.  

    A portion of this funding was made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.



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