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    Slaughter Says Afghanistan Plan Must Focus on Bringing U.S. Troops Home
    Wednesday, 02 December 2009 10:36

    Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY) issued the following statement following President Barack Obama’s remarks on the war in Afghanistan:

    “What I would have preferred to hear from the President is how he will bring our forces home within the next year. I see no good reason for us to send another 30,000 or more troops to Afghanistan when we have so many pressing issues – like our economy – to deal with in this country. The U.S. government is already spending $3.6 billion a month on the war in Afghanistan. Sending an additional 30,000 troops will cost an extra $30 billion a year, which works out to roughly $1 million per soldier or Marine. The people who are complaining about the cost of health care reform should be more concerned about how much we are continuing to spend on these wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
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