HARMAN CO-SPONSORS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO BALANCE FEDERAL BUDGET Lawmaker says, "...recovery cannot happen and will not be long lasting if we don't follow it with responsible federal budgets."

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Venice) today joined 34 members of the Blue Dog Coalition in introducing legislation calling for a Constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget. She co-sponsored previous Balanced Budget Amendment efforts in the 103rd, 104th, 105th, 107th, 109th, and 110th Congresses. 

“The nation’s economy is struggling back after an enormous blow. The recovery cannot happen and will not be long lasting if we don’t follow it with responsible federal budgets. California families balance their budgets every day, and they should expect the same from Washington.
“The current trajectory of debt and deficits is unsustainable.  I refuse to burden my grandchildren -- all of our grandchildren -- with the trillions in debt racked up by Congress when Bush controlled the White House and Republicans controlled Capitol Hill.
“I want to put everything on the table. We have to end defense practices and programs that don’t improve our national security – like sole-source contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. And we must let the misguided Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire.  I opposed them in 2001, and I oppose them now.
“It will take political courage from both Democrats and Republicans.  I cast career-risking votes for the 1993 Clinton budget and for Penny-Kasich, and for the 1997 balanced budget. The result of those tough votes was a huge surplus.” 
Specifically, the “Balanced Budget Amendment” legislation would:
-          Require Congress to produce a balanced budget every fiscal year.
-          Require the President to submit a balanced budget in his or her annual transmission to Congress.
-          Prohibit outlays for a fiscal year from exceeding total receipts for that fiscal year unless Congress, by a three-fifths roll call vote of each House, authorizes a specific excess of outlays over receipts.
-          Provide seven years for three-fourths of the states to ratify the constitutional amendment.


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