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    September 14, 2007 - Slaughter Speaks on Reducing Youth Gun Violence at Buffalo Police Headquarters
    Buffalo, NY - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28), Chairwoman of the House Rules Committee, today joined Buffalo Police Commissioner H. McCarthy Gipson and anti-gun violence groups at Buffalo Police Headquarters to speak on preventing and addressing youth violence.   


    Friday, September 14, 2007




    Rep. Slaughter Visits Buffalo Police Headquarters to Speak on Reducing Youth Gun Violence and Prevention

    Buffalo, NY - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28), Chairwoman of the House Rules Committee, today joined Buffalo Police Commissioner H. McCarthy Gipson and anti-gun violence groups at Buffalo Police Headquarters to speak on preventing and addressing youth violence. 

    Rep. Slaughter recently secured $500,000 for the ShotSpotter program in the FY08 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill to help the Buffalo Police Department purchase and install ShotSpotter and an accompanying a camera system at hot points in the City to help deter violent crime and more easily identify offenders.

    "Buffalo must be given the resources necessary to effectively address violent crime and lower the murder rate," said Rep. Slaughter. "ShotSpotter will enhance the safety of our community and improve the quality of life and the economic vitality of this City." 

    "We need to ensure that this City's youth grow up in a safer environment, so we have fewer tragedies like the one this week," Rep. Slaughter continued referencing the recent killings of two teenage boys on East Delavan Avenue.

    The funding secured by Rep. Slaughter to install ShotSpotter and accompanying cameras on Buffalo's Eastside will assist the City of Buffalo and the Buffalo Police Department in its crime fighting efforts through the development and implementation of a camera system within the City of Buffalo.  Also, as an international border city, surveillance cameras will help the police department in their ongoing terrorism prevention and response efforts.  

    Joining Rep. Slaughter were Buffalo Police Commissioner H. McCarthy Gipson, Mr. Leonard Lane, President of the F.A.T.H.E.R.S. organization, Mr. Edward Wiley, President of the 100 Mighty Men organization, Mr. Mark Fuller, President of the Stop the Violence Coalition, and Mr. Dwayne Ferguson, President of Mad Dads, Inc.



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