America and Israel Must Stand United Against Iran

In Remarks to Zionist Organization of America, Rep. Wasserman Schultz
Defends Israel, Pledges to Stand Against Iran

Washington, DC – The relationship between Israel and the United States must remain strong and we must stand united against Iran, Rep. Wasserman Schultz stressed in remarks at the Congressional luncheon of the Zionist Organization of America.

“One of the most serious threats facing Israel, which was continuously emphasized to us by both Israeli and American officials, is Iran,” stressed the Congresswoman describing meetings she convened in Israel when she led a Congressional Delegation trip to the region. “It cannot be overstated – a nuclear-armed Iran is an urgent and deadly threat to peace and stability in the Middle East and at home.”

The Congresswoman’s remarks came as America and Israel face a pivotal point in history; the question of whether the world will stand united and prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. She joined more than 30 Representatives and Senators at the Zionist Organization of America Congressional luncheon held in Washington, DC. Founded in 1897, and comprised of more than 30,000 members, the Zionist Organization of America’s mission is to fight on behalf of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

“The ZOA commends Rep. Wasserman Schultz for her strong condemnation of the Goldstone Report, her active involvement in the Congressional Task Force on Voting at the UN, her letter to Sec. Clinton urging the Secretary to press the Arab states to end their isolation of Israel, and her strong support for sanctions against Iran. We deeply appreciate her support for Israel and for speaking to and encouraging our members in their advocacy,” said Joshua London, co-director of Government Relations, Zionist Organization of America.

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz is a cosponsor of both the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act (H.R. 1327) and the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act (H.R. 2194). The Iran Sanctions Enabling Act aims to deprive Iran of the money it needs to pursue nuclear weapons capability by ratcheting up pressure on those who are financing Tehran’s nuclear pursuits through their investments and support to Iran's petroleum and natural gas industry. The Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act would limit Iran's ability to import and produce refined petroleum products by requiring the president to impose sanctions on companies helping Iran in these areas.

“With Tehran importing 25 to 40 percent of its refined petroleum needs, these economic sanctions would have a dramatic effect on Iran's economy and are critical to convincing Iran to suspend its nuclear program,” explained Wasserman Schultz.

The Congresswoman also addressed the push to bring parties together in the Middle East to negotiate a peaceful solution to the conflict between Arab states, Israel, and the Palestinians.

“Peace is complex for all parties involved and must be approached from a broader context. Israel, our most stalwart ally, has made numerous concessions over decades to move the peace process forward. Nonetheless, the Jewish State still endures terrible emotional and economic hardship from terrorist cowards and hostile states such as Iran, determined to injure and destroy innocent lives.”

While a peaceful solution would be the best outcome for all parties, she warned that Israel must always be allowed to protect herself.

“We would not allow our government to stand by as hundreds of rockets and mortars came crashing down on the heads of our citizens,” Wasserman Schultz said during her remarks. “We cannot expect Israel to stand by either. The government of Israel has not only a right but also an obligation, to protect its citizens. I firmly stand by this right and this obligation.”

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