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    Protecting Retirement Savings

    Congresswoman Slaughter has consistently supported legislation to broaden the level of retirement savings by workers and enhance federal protection of that savings. The bankruptcy filing of Global Crossing, on the heels of the Enron Corporation's sudden collapse, has brought to light the vulnerabilities of our current pension laws. To enhance pension security and savings, Representative Slaughter has:

    • Voted in favor of legislation to enhance pension protections to give employees extensive control over their money in 401(k) plans, subject executive compensation to bankruptcy claims, and require employee notification when executives dump company stock, among other provisions. Congresswoman Slaughter voted against proposals to allow corporations to raid the pension funds relied upon by workers and cosponsored legislation to protect older workers' pensions.
    • To increase opportunities for pension savings, Congresswoman Slaughter voted for the Comprehensive Retirement Security and Pension Reform Act, which raised the IRA contribution limit, expanded pension coverage, enhanced pension coverage for women, increased pension portability, and reduced regulatory burdens.
    • Worked to ensure that the interests of current and former Global Crossing and Frontier employees are not forgotten in the bankruptcy proceedings by asking the court to order expedited lump sum payments to former employees and give employee stockholders priority status during the proceedings.
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