New Study: Illegal Immigration Breaks the Bank

(Washington D.C.)- Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Immigration Reform Caucus (IRC) Chairman Brian Bilbray (R-CA) announced today the findings of a new Heritage Foundation study showing the costs associated with high school dropouts, many of whom are illegal immigrants.

“The average high school dropout uses twice as much in government benefits as they contribute in taxes,” explained Ranking Member Smith. “Current proposals that grant amnesty to illegal immigrants only encourage others to enter illegally. Such legislation would create an endless stream of low-skilled guest workers increasing the tax burden on legal immigrants and American workers.”   

Fifty to sixty percent of illegal immigrants do not have a high school diploma. One quarter of all dropout-headed households in the U.S. are immigrant households.

“The Heritage Foundation report proves what we already know, that illegal immigration is a drain to the American people,” said IRC Chairman Bilbray.  “At more than $22,000 a year, it’s like having the American taxpayers buy everyone who doesn’t have a high school diploma a brand new Ford Mustang Convertible.”


The study, conducted by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, concluded that policies which substantially increase the number of low skilled immigrants entering the U.S. would significantly raise costs on the U.S. taxpayer.   


It found the average household led by a person without a high school diploma received $32,138 in government benefits and services in 2004, but paid only $9,689 in taxes. This imposes a burden on other taxpayers of $22,449 per dropout-headed household.  


Further, the study estimates the average lifetime cost to the taxpayer of these households will be $1.1 million.


“We need to make sure any legislation does not further strain government services and taxpayers’ wallets,” Smith concluded.  



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