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2000 Op-ed Archives

Con Artists Take Their Scams To The Internet

December 7, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- As the Internet changes the way many Americans shop and do business, con artists have adapted their fraudulent schemes to snare users of this high-tech medium.

Bringing Down The High Cost Of Prescription Drugs

September 26, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- Providing people with affordable prescription drugs shouldn't be a political football. The high cost of prescription drugs has forced many Middle Tennesseans into the dilemma of whether to buy food or life-saving medication.

Tennessee Remembers Its Korean War Veterans

June 14, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- The Korean War is often referred to as the Forgotten War. But to the 10,500 Tennessee men and women who served bravely in the U.S. Armed Forces during that three-year period, the Korean War will never be forgotten.

Talking Books Program Aids Those in Need

May 18, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- Recently a Murfreesboro resident contacted my office to get some information on the "talking books" program.

Thanks To The Brave Men And Women Who Protect And Serve

May 12, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- To protect and to serve. That's the motto of every person who puts on the badge and uniform of a police officer. Police officers courageously put themselves in harm's way each day and often do so without any thanks or acknowledgment. National Police Week - May 14-20 - is a time we can show a better appreciation for the men and women who serve their communities as police officers.

Ridding Our Homes Of Unsolicited Communications

May 8, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- Middle Tennesseans are bombarded daily by annoying telephone calls from telemarketers, irritating mailings from credit card companies and aggravating e-mails from porn peddlers. Relief from these unwanted solicitations is available if you know what agency or organization to contact.

Making Prescription Drugs Affordable For Our Senior Citizens

April 21, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- Rapidly increasing costs in prescription drugs have forced many Middle Tennessee senior citizens into a dilemma: whether to buy food or potentially life-saving medication. Adding an optional prescription drug benefit to the Medicare program would end that dilemma.

Building Better Schools For Our Children's Futures

April 13, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- Nearly 1 million kindergarten through 12th grade students attend Tennessee's public schools, with many of those buildings needing major renovations or repairs. In fact, the National Education Association estimates $2.3 billion is needed to modernize Tennessee's schools.

Getting Rid Of Unfunded Federal Mandates

January 7, 2000, by Bart Gordon -- One of my priorities as a member of Congress is to help Middle Tennesseans cut through the red tape or problems they may experience when dealing with federal agencies. During my tenure in Congress, I, too, have been frustrated with the complexity of the federal government, which frequently overlooks the smaller but just as important issues facing the average citizen.

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