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Statement of Chairman Bennie G. Thompson on H.R. 3978

Statement for the Congressional Record on H.R. 3978
Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)
December 15, 2009

Madam Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 3978, legislation that would permit the Center for Domestic Preparedness to accept gifts and donations in order to better train our nation’s first responders. As Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, I am pleased that the House is considering this legislation today, and I urge my colleagues to support its passage.

Madam Speaker, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Center for Domestic Preparedness (Center) is the nation’s leading all-hazards first-responder training center. Located in Anniston Alabama, the Center has provided emergency response training to first responders in all fifty states and territories, as well as Federal government employees, foreign officials, and private entities. The Center is especially well-known internationally for its weapons of mass destruction training facility.

The Center often receives offers of donated goods and services, such as training displays, response equipment, and trailers. These donations would allow the Center to offer stronger training opportunities at a lower cost to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the American taxpayer. Regrettably, the Center does not have the legal authority to accept gifts that would enhance its ability to deliver superior training.

H.R. 3978 would amend the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 to permit the Center to receive donated gifts and services that are related to preparedness for and response to terrorism. The legislation further calls on the Secretary of Homeland Security to annually report to Congress on gifts accepted and how such gifts contribute to the mission of the Center.

Other DHS training centers, such as the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, already have the authority to accept gifts and donations. It is only appropriate that the Center also have this authority.

Madam Speaker, H.R. 3978 is a straight-forward piece of legislation that will pay immediate dividends for our first responder community. I support its passage and encourage my colleagues to support it as well.

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Please contact Dena Graziano or Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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