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Health Care

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My Voting Record

  12-1 595 H RES 1724 Yea
  12-1 594 H RES 1217 Aye
  12-1 593 H J RES 101 Nay
  12-1 592 H RES 1430 Aye
  12-1 591 H RES 1735 Aye

» Complete voting history - 1st Session

» Complete voting history - 2nd Session

Health Insurance Reform

Click here to see my April 2010 presentation on the impacts of health insurance reform.

Click here to read my March 20, 2010 statement in support of health insurance reform.

Read my March 19 letter to Speaker Pelosi urging transparency in the health insurance reform vote.







Please find fact sheets below on how health insurance reform affects YOU.

Small Businesses
Young Americans

America’s health insurance system is broken and it is clear that we cannot subsist on the status quo. Our premiums have doubled in the last nine years, and the cost of doing nothing is worse. Without reform, health care spending will rise to $4.4 trillion, more than one fifth of the economy, by 2018, and the number of the uninsured will reach 61 million by 2020.

I believe we must protect what is working in our current system and fix what is broken. We need to lower our country’s health care costs, provide greater choices, increase quality, and give citizens peace of mind.  Insurance companies should not be allowed to deny coverage to customers with pre-existing conditions or price people out based on age or gender.

Changing our current system will not be easy.  As a member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition, I share President Obama’s commitment to passing comprehensive, deficit-neutral health care reform.  We must find savings within our current system and maximize the value of our health care dollar.

Please check back here often for the latest updates in the reform process.


Statements on Health Insurance Reform:

March 9, 2010: Reiterated Concerns About Senate Health Bill to President, Congressional Leaders

February 25, 2010: Statement on Progress of Health Insurance Reform

January 14, 2010: Concerned About Impact of Senate Health Care Bill on Arizona

November 6, 2009: Oped Published in the Arizona Daily Star




Click here to see how reform legislation will impact families in District 8

Click here to see how reform legislation will affect small businesses

Click here to see the immediate provisions of reform legislation

Click here for a copy of H.R. 4872, the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010

Click here for a copy of the Congressional Budget Office's statement on the budgetary effects of H.R. 4872

Click here for a summary of the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act

Click here for a section-by-section analysis of the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act

Click here for a timeline of implementation


Support for Health Insurance Reform:

Supporters of health insurance reform include the American Medical Association, AARP, Catholic Health Association, Main Street Alliance, Federation of American Hospitals, National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems, American College of Physicians, National Hispanic Medical Association, Paralyzed Veterans of America, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, Cancer Action Network, American Diabetes Association, American Nurses Association, Families USA, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, National Women’s Law Center, Consumer Federation of America, and Consumers Union.  Click here for a full list of reform supporters.


Additional Resources:

Click here to read my op-ed published July 26, 2009, in the Arizona Daily Star.

Click here to view my presentation or photos from a Healthcare Town Hall on May 26, 2009.