Appropriations Request

Inspection of Completed Works ($2,000,000)

The requested funding would be used to allow the Corps to inspect all flood damage reduction, coastal damage reduction, and Corps I-wall type levees in the State of Hawaii.  These funds are required to conduct levee certifications in accordance with FEMA’s Flood Map Modernization Program requirement on the 14 levees originally constructed by the Corps. The FY2009 appropriation of $659,000 and FY 2010 appropriation of $670,000 have not been adequate to accomplish this task.  The inspection is authorized under Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-611) and 33 U.S.C. 701n.

Flood and coastal damage reduction projects are inspected on an annual basis because of the probability of flood events due to the general geophysical landscape of the islands and the high energy ocean climate surrounding the islands. Flash flooding can occur within 30 minutes of peak rainfall. Failure to inspect flood damage reduction projects could increase the potential of structural failure, damages to property, and the possibility of loss of life within the project area. Coastal damage reduction projects are susceptible to high-energy waves during strong storm/hurricane events.  Many coastal damage reduction projects protect single coastal roads that serve as the only means of transportation for vehicular/pedestrian traffic and for emergency access.

Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Honolulu District, Building 230
Fort Shafter, Hawaii 96858-5440

Why this is a good use of taxpayer dollars: The Inspection of Completed Works project will allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to inspect all flood damage reduction, coastal damage reduction, and Corps I-wall type levees in the State of Hawaii.  These funds are required to conduct levee certifications in accordance with FEMA's Flood Map Modernization Program requirement.