Appropriations Request

Hawaii Water Resources Monitoring Program ($650,000)

Funding will enable the USGS to continue work with the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management and the County Water Departments to provide: (1) water-resource monitoring for understanding status and trends, (2) groundwater recharge studies for updating sustainable yield estimates, and (3) estimates of low-flow characteristics in perennial streams for setting instream flow standards. A 5-year plan has been developed in collaboration with stakeholders to complete items (2) and (3) which provide a scientifically defensible basis for future water management in the State.

USGS Pacific Island Ecosystem Research Center
677 Ala Moana Blvd, Suite 615
Honolulu, HI 96813

Why is this a valuable use of taxpayer dollars: Freshwater in Hawaii is the most limiting natural resource, and as water management becomes increasingly contentious, information to evaluate the sustainability of water resources is needed to provide accurate decisions that balance environmental protection with economic opportunity.