Appropriations Request

County of Hawaii Wastewater Improvement ($5,500,000)

Funding for improvements at the Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment Plant (North Kona) needed to meet Hawaii Department of Health permit requirements. The project involves sludge removal from the wastewater treatment plant and a treatment plant aeration upgrade to restore plant capacity.  These two projects will significantly improve the existing facility and are essential to meet the next phase of the project, which will upgrade the Kealakehe Waterwater Treatment Plant to produce R-1 quality effluent that can be used to water medians, parks, and public areas, thereby minimizing the use of potable water in North Kona.

County of Hawaii
25 Aupuni Street, Suite 2603
Hilo, HI 96820

Why is this a valuable use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will help provide critical wastewater infrastructure improvements to bring the Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment plant into compliance with state and federal requirements and help protect native Hawaiian lands for public benefit. These projects are a high priority for Hawaii County and have the full and unanimous support of the County Council. Currently, the existing plant is over capacity.  Approximately 100 construction jobs will be created. Increased wastewater treatment capacity will permit new housing projects to be built, including the approved Keahoulu Village with 2,206 affordable, mixed use housing units.