Appropriations Request

Education for Democracy Act ($35,000,000)

The Education for Democracy Act programs are among the most cost effective programs supported by the federal government. They effectively promote among students a profound understanding of and commitment to the fundamental values and principles of American constitutional democracy as expressed in such seminal documents as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the Gettysburg Address. They also promote students' capacities to participate competently and responsibility in the political life of their communities and the nation.

The Center for Civic Education/Council for Economic Education
5145 Douglas Fir Road/122 East 42 Street, Suite 2600
Calabasas, CA 91302

Why this is a valuable use of taxpayer dollars: This investment will support programs that represent the federal government’s most effective means of educating American students about the fundamental ideals of our nation and will assist emerging democracies in establishing a political culture supportive of democratic values, principles, and institutions.