HARMAN URGES ACTION ON HIGH-SPEED RAIL South Bay lawmaker says, "a fast and efficient rail system will take cars off the road, curb pollution, and help wean us off all sources of oil"

Washington, D.C. – In a letter sent yesterday to House Transportation Committee Chairman James Oberstar (D-MN), Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Venice) and members of the California congressional delegation expressed support for continued funding and development of high-speed rail as the Committee considers key transportation infrastructure legislation. 

“We can’t talk about a 21st century transportation system without considering the merits of high-speed rail,” said Harman.  “Done right, a fast and efficient rail system will take cars off the road, curb pollution, and help wean us off all sources of oil.”

Harman also praised the proposal of United States Postal Regulatory Commissioner and Venice, CA resident Ruth Goldway to outfit the USPS, which operates 219,000 vehicles, with plug-in hybrids.  “With its huge fleet needs, the federal government can set a great example while fueling market interest in these next generation vehicles,” added Harman.   

As an international leader in environmental initiatives, California is committed to developing a high-speed rail system that will revolutionize intrastate transportation.  The State’s 700-mile project plan, which is overseen by the California High Speed Rail Authority, secured $9.95 billion of seed funding in a state bond measure approved by voters in November 2008.  The American Reinvestment and Economic Recovery Act, signed into law this week, also contains $9.3 billion for high-speed rail, an undetermined amount of which could go to California.  When built, the system would transport passengers between San Francisco and Los Angeles in under 3 hours, with several other major California cities also being served. 

Find below the text of the letter:

February 18, 2009

The Honorable James L. Oberstar                                           The Honorable John Mica
Chairman                                                                                 Ranking Member
2165 Rayburn House Office Bldg.                                          2165 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515                                                           Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Oberstar and Ranking Member Mica:

Thank you for the work you both did during the 110th Congress on behalf of high-speed rail funding and development.  Because of your efforts, America is one step closer to breaking ground on the first true high-speed rail system in our nation.  As you begin work on the reauthorization of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), we are hopeful that high-speed rail funding and development will continue to be at the top of your agenda.  For that reason, we write to request that the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure hold a hearing regarding the need for a high-speed rail network in the United States, and the need for continued high-speed rail funding in SAFETEA-LU reauthorization. If you would like to witness California’s High Speed Rail first hand, we would be happy to host you in Sacramento, California for a field hearing.

As you know, California has made significant strides to build a high-speed rail system in the state.  In fact, the accomplishments made by the California High Speed Rail Authority have put California years ahead of the nation in building a high-speed rail system.  Recently, the Authority has completed a Tier1/Program Level Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement on nearly all 700 miles of the potential rail system, and has begun the Tier 2/Project Level EIR/EIS for several major segments.  In November, voters passed a $9.95 billion bond measure, which would provide the first phase of funding for high-speed rail.  A record of decision is also expected to be ready in June 2010. 

Our nation will see high-speed rail development only when people with boldness and vision determine that it is an integral part of our 21st century transportation system. We must develop a state-of-the-art inter-modal transportation system to make an impact on climate change and reduce the traffic congestion currently plaguing our highway system, particularly in densely populated areas of the United States.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  We look forward to working with you on high-speed rail issues and to hearing from you about this possible hearing.

Ellen Tauscher
Zoe Lofgren
Gary Miller
Jim Costa
Joe Baca
Bob Filner
Jane Harman
Michael Honda
Doris Matsui
Linda Sanchez
Loretta Sanchez
Brad Sherman



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