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Does President Obama Really Support an Earmark Ban?
Posted by Press Office on November 15, 2010
House and Senate GOP leaders are now unified in support of an earmark ban.  Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s announcement that he would support an earmark ban in the 112th Congress reinforces Republicans’ commitment to ending business as usual in Washington.  More importantly, it means that only President Obama and Washington Democrats stand in the way of this critical effort to restore public trust.

For his part, President Obama issued a statement praising Sen. McConnell’s announcement and reiterating his support for “cracking down” on earmarks.  Yet, nowhere in his statement does the president urge the leaders of his party to hold simple up-or-down votes on imposing an earmark ban, something House and Senate Republicans will do this week.  It appears the president is not yet willing to confront what The Washington Post calls “resistance from veteran Democratic lawmakers” clinging to earmarks.  POLITICO adds that it “remains to be seen” how the White House will “avert a potential standoff with Senate Democrats on the matter.  Now, compare this uncertainty to how House senior advisor David Axelrod “made it clear” yesterday that the president “has made no commitment to vetoing spending bills that contain earmarks despite calls from fiscal hawks for the president to make that pledge.

To recap:

  • President Obama has yet to call on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) or Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to join Republicans in voting on an earmark ban for the 112th Congress.  (Note that the standard here is not even whether he supports an outright ban, but whether he supports holding simple up-or-down votes to determine whether to impose a ban.)

  • The Obama Administration won’t commit to vetoing any spending measures this year that include earmarks, which the president said just hours ago “we can’t afford during these tough economic times.”
    So: does President Obama really support an earmark ban?  And if so, what has he done to prove that is the case?

    Here’s one thing we do know: earmarks are a symbol of a Congress that has broken faith with the American people.  An earmark moratorium shows elected officials are serious about working to restore trust between the American people and those elected to serve them.  Why is President Obama standing in the way of our ability to move forward and take this critical step towards restoring public trust?  As he
    said earlier this year, “Gridlock as a political strategy is destructive to the country.”
    The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
    • Darla Kenton commented on 11/17/2010
      I've been very heartened to know that this issue is being addressed so seriously. However, I have heard and read that, if Congress actually puts a moratorium on earmarks, the President has authority to use them and that the moratorium could actually be a detriment to those of us who do not like the earmarks and the way they have been abused. Is this true? If this is true, what is the procedure/rule that allows such authority? How can we gradually decrease/stop the earmark practice, reduce the role of the federal government from taxing our citizens so greatly and return power to our individual states?
    • Janice Schindler commented on 11/17/2010
      I do not have trust in Obama or any of his czars or the rest of the administration. I hope Republicans and our newly elected Conservatives can get our trust back. No negotiations on ALL Bush Tax Breaks. No Dream Act. Repeal HC and start over. No EPA take over of our Food. And on; And on And on. At this point, I am proud of being in the party of "NO".
    • philip schiebout commented on 11/17/2010
      our banks and our businesses require and demand that we operate on a profitable margin and a positive cash flow.. If the government keeps on spending my money without a clue of giving it back then I am not very happy. We must operate within our budget or risk going bankrupt. It's just that simple isn't. BALANCE THE BUDGET ! It won't be easy but the democrats have made us dependent on them. thank you ps Do not waiver from doing your job on the budget. Anything other than a balanced budget will end in failure and you know what that means. Your job is on the line. love you all and will pray for you all.
    • Dan Corvin commented on 11/17/2010
      I support John Boehner and all of the newbies in D.C. I will simply say that after watching the ABC news with Diane Sawyer and her colleagues in Shanghai, the bickering in D.C. is precisely the reason we have few to no programs to get this country back on Track. Obama and his administration truly do not "GET IT" We spend monies on/in areas that simply are bankrupting America everyday, from the "Wars" to the not mentioned "Rebuilding Process for Iraq and Afghanistan", to you name it. There needs to be consensus, a realization of what is "BEST FOR AMERICA" and for the American people who struggle daily to get ahead. Put party politics aside, and "Do the right thing" before this country is truly left in the Dust of Growth by the Asian market. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.
    • Richard Opseth commented on 11/17/2010
      All spending has to be brought under control. Earmarks is just one of the effects of problems that have to be addressed. Earmarks are a symptom of the problem of out of control spending and the problem is use of taxpayer money for political favors. Senator Reid's comment on how this is the way DC does its business is not acceptable. To eliminate the problem all campaigns should be publicly funded and bills should not contain any non related funding items of any nature. Fix the problem and the effects go away. This is one of many of the effects that Congress keeps working on fixing instead of tackling the problems that causes these destroying effects. The long term dinosaurs in Congress that cannot make the required changes will be replaced. You people have got to change the way you do business. Your constituents are waking up and recognizing just how big of a problem you long term dinosaurs are.
    • Kevin Nuse commented on 11/17/2010
      I'm tired of hearing about an "earmark ban" as if its a "gentlemen's agreement" to not take earmarks. Please pass legislation to simply OUTLAW them!
    • Mark Kozuch commented on 11/17/2010
      I commend Congressional leaders in their resolve to put an end to earmarks. This is long overdue. As for President Obama urging Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid to join in this initiative seems irrelevant. As a seperate entity in our Federal Government they should be willing to embrace this policy change upon their own. I would accept President Obama's praise as a positive step in putting this initiative into practice. Hopefully all members of Congress and the Senate will be on board.
    • Eugenia Nichols commented on 11/17/2010
      I heard that earmarks are 1% of the budget. While this is a start, there needs to be a lot more done to lower the deficit.
    • thomas semling commented on 11/18/2010
      Wish Boehner had a twin brother representing Wisconsin where I live. Maybe some kind of movement like each State governor.... publically should rally and support their state Representatives' position against "pork" putting more pressure on the White House. Regarding health care reform....look into "duplication of service" and serious tort reform....
    • Beth Ann Boehmler commented on 11/18/2010
      The President generally seems to do whatever is expedient to move forward his agenda which means he often contradicts himself. I never expect to hear something meaningful from him for the good of America so I really don't pay much attention to what he says.Back in the days of his campaign this became apparent if one was paying attention. What he says is irrelevant ... it's what he's doing that is unnerving.
    • Anna Chronis commented on 11/21/2010
      While I support the mutual commitment to fiscal responsibility offered by the current Minority Leader, the President, and some Conservative Democrats, I remain skeptical. Last week, when Leader Reid hinted that the Fiscal Year Defense Authorization Act of 2011 would be open for Amendments, it was like they opened the Mall of Black Friday and you were allowed to carry out whatever you can fill your cart with. Except the Price Tag would be aggregated and sent to the Tax Payer. While the Bill will need Amendments, perhaps going to conference with the House passed version of the bill with what was passed out of committee would be a start. While not traditional in terms of process, where is it against the Constitution to do so?
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