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Quote of the Day

"The U.S. economy expanded at a faster clip than initially forecast in the third quarter, helped by more robust consumer spending and by stronger exports. The economy grew at a 2.5% annualized pace in the quarter, revised up from the initial estimate of 2.0%, the government said in its second estimate of quarterly gross domestic product. GDP growth was 1.7% during the second quarter.”
- Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch, 11/23/2010


While education funding is primarily handled at the state and local level, the federal government does have an important role to play, particularly when it comes to assisting students afford the increasing cost of going to college. The average student loan debt for a college graduate is currently around $18,000, and with consistently rising tuition rates, this number is sure to climb, burdening our college graduates with significant debt before they have the opportunity to establish themselves professionally.  In response, I have been a strong supporter of the HOPE Scholarship Program as well as working to increase funding for Pell Grants. In 2007, Congress enacted the College Cost Reduction Act, H.R. 2669. The bill cuts roughly $19 billion from federal lender subsidies and invests that money in financial aid programs for students, colleges and universities.  The maximum Pell Grant award is increased $500 over five years to $5,200, and the automatic qualification minimum income level is raised to $30,000, thereby making it easier for students to qualify for such grants. An estimated 229,900 Illinois students will receive a Pell Grant increase of $500, while the average Illinois student will save $4,510 over the life of a four-year loan.

In addition, I have worked closely with area educators to understand and support their needs, which include upgrading schools and hiring more teachers to reduce class size and improve learning. I voted for the No Child Left Behind Act to improve student performance, but believe the Act needs to be fully funded. I have cosponsored legislation that would allow local school districts to suspend penalties called for in the legislation for missing performance goals in any year that the bill is not fully funded.

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