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Quote of the Day

"The U.S. economy expanded at a faster clip than initially forecast in the third quarter, helped by more robust consumer spending and by stronger exports. The economy grew at a 2.5% annualized pace in the quarter, revised up from the initial estimate of 2.0%, the government said in its second estimate of quarterly gross domestic product. GDP growth was 1.7% during the second quarter.”
- Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch, 11/23/2010


I strongly believe that maintaining an efficient, multi-modal transportation system is critical to regional and national economic growth. Toward this end, I have made transportation issues a top priority and have played a leadership role in major projects such as MetroLink and the new Mississippi River Bridge. As a senior member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and current Chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee, I have been instrumental in enacting national policy relating to all modes of transportation.

Last year, legislation I co-authored was introduced to reauthorize the funding and programs of the Federal Aviation Administration. This bill, H.R. 915, which passed the House of Representatives in May, 2009 and is awaiting consideration in the Senate, contains historic levels of funding to enhance the safety programs and other functions of the FAA. The bill also has a major emphasis on aviation consumer issues.

Similarly, the last highway bill, passed in July 2005, allocated $286.4 billion to meet the needs of our highways, bridges and transit systems. The bill resulted in a significant increase in highway spending for the State of Illinois over the next five years, an average of $309.15 million annually, or 33.4% per year over the previous level of funding, enabling IDOT to address critical road and bridge projects in the state.

As part of that legislation, I was successful in securing $150 million in funding for the new Mississippi River Bridge.  The bridge project will receive $239 million in total federal funding, with Senators Durbin, Obama and Bond securing the other $89 million.  This funding was included in a section of the bill for projects of regional and national significance, or “mega-projects.”

This year I have also continued to push for increased investment in maintaining our transportation infrastructure as part of economic stimulus efforts. Funding projects that can be let within 90 days will provide thousands of good-paying jobs while creating economic assets that reduce congestion and make our transportation system more efficient.

News and Resources

Here are additional news items and resources related to transportation.

COSTELLO CHAMPIONS GENERAL AVIATION - from the May/June issue of Business Aviation Insider(requires Adobe reader)

e-Newsletter on the New Mississippi River Bridge
June 1, 2010

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