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December  2002

Governmental Affairs Committee Minority Report: FERC Deserves Credit for Positive Changes

December 20, 2002

Lieberman Condemns Review Of Federal Regulations

December 20, 2002

Lieberman Warns Against Short-Changing Homeland Security

December 20, 2002

GAO Report Finds Flaws in OMB’s E-Government Initiatives

December 19, 2002

Lieberman Clarifies Intelligence-Sharing for New Department Of Homeland Security

December 17, 2002

Lieberman Says E-Gov Bill Serves Homeland Security

December 17, 2002

9-11 Commissioners Must Disclose

December 12, 2002

Lieberman Welcomes Appointment of Two Connecticut Residents to Postal Commission

December 11, 2002

Lieberman Rebukes Bush On Local Homeland Security Money

December 10, 2002

9-11 Commissioners Might Have To Publicly Disclose Financial Information

December 6, 2002

Most Federal Agencies Tackle Major Management Problems

December 6, 2002

Lieberman Seeks Information About Suspicious Letter

December 6, 2002

GAO Says Insufficient Use of Personnel Flexibilities Can Significantly Hinder Federal Agencies

December 6, 2002

November  2002
Senator Lieberman Praises President’s Signing of 9/11 Commission Bill

November 27, 2002

Lieberman Urges Bush Administration to Quickly Create New Homeland Department

November 25, 2002

Thompson Hails Passage of Homeland Security Amendment

November 19, 2002

Homeland Security Bill Clears Senate In Resounding, Bipartisan Vote

November 19, 2002

Lieberman Opposes Last Minute Republican Gifts To Special Interests

November 19, 2002

Thompson Applauds Filing Cloture on Homeland Security Legislation

November 15, 2002

Lieberman, Thompson Herald Passage of E-Gov Legislation

November 15, 2002

Lieberman, McCain Hail Bipartisan Agreement On Independent September 11 Commission

November 14, 2002

Lieberman, DeWine Combat Underage Drinking On College Campuses  

November 14, 2002

Lieberman Calls For Homeland Security Vote Warns Against GOP Pork, Special Interest Projects

November 13, 2002

Lieberman Warns Against Administration "Snow Job" on Yellowstone Park Pollution

November 12, 2002

FERC Oversight Of Enron Ranged From "Naive" To "Negligent".

November 12, 2002

Lieberman Request Leads To Good News:   USPS Nearly Paid Up On Employee Retirement Obligation

November 5, 2002

October  2002
Lieberman Presses For Quick Administration Action On Report On U.S. Lack Of Readiness For Terrorist Attack

October 25, 2002

Backtracking on SEC Oversight Funding

October 24, 2002

Report Says Bush Administration Rewrote the Rules on Protecting the Environment, Public Health

October 24, 2002

Senate Approves Thompson, Lieberman Bill To Give Permanent Law Enforcement Authority To Certain Inspectors General

October 21, 2002

Campaign Finance Update Clears Congress

October 18, 2002

Senate Approves Legislation Requiring All Federal Agencies to Balance Their Checkbooks

October 18, 2002

Senate Approves Legislation to Uncover Federal Programs Susceptible to Financial Mismanagement

October 18, 2002

GAO:  US Postal Service Must Better Manage IT Investments to Fully Leverage Technological Capabilities

October 16, 2002

D.C. Voting Rights Bill Clears Committee In Historic Vote

October 9, 2002

Thompson Introduces Legislation to Protect Federal Computer and Information Systems

October 9, 2002

Report Reveals “Systemic and Catastrophic Failure” of  Financial Oversight in Enron Case

October 7, 2002

Financial Oversight of Enron:  The SEC and Private-Sector Watchdogs

October 7, 2002

Lieberman Praises Election Reform Compromise Agreement

October 4, 2002

Fact V. Fiction Setting The Record Straight on Silly Union Work Rules

October 3, 2002

Nelson-Chafee-Breaux Amendment to Gramm-Miller Substitute

October 2, 2002

September  2002

President Has Full Authority to Protect National Security, Lieberman Says

September 26, 2002

September 11th Commission Overwhelmingly Endorsed By Senate

September 24, 2002

Lieberman, Connecticut Families of September 11th Victims Rally Behind Commission Bill

September 19, 2002

Thompson: Challenges Remain in Pursuit of Results-Oriented Government

September 19, 2002

Lieberman, McCain Offer September 11 Commission As Amendment To Homeland Security

September 19, 2002

Lieberman Criticizes Inflexibility White House
Homeland Science and Tech Proposal

September 19, 2002

Senate Approves Thompson Amendment to Reduce Government Bureaucracy and Improve Accountability in Homeland Security Efforts

September 17, 2002

Thompson:   Six Federal Programs Shell Out Over $19 Billions In Erroneous Payments

September 6, 2002

Lieberman Rallies For Worker Protections
in New Department of Homeland Security

September 4, 2002

Thompson Advocates For Increased Flexibility In Homeland Security Legislation

September 4, 2002

Lieberman Launches Homeland Security Debate Legislation Would Fill Intelligence, Security Gaps Exposed By September 11

September 3, 2002

August  2002
Lieberman States The Case For Homeland Security Department

August 30, 2002

Lieberman Pays Tribute to Postal Workers Commends Union Employees at APWU Convention Blasts Bush Economic Summit As “More Like a Valley”

August 13, 2002

Lieberman Seeks Inquiry into Wallingford Anthrax Clean Up

August 5, 2002

July  2002
Lieberman:   Preserve Homeland Security Workers’ Rights:  Strong Department Depends on Workers’ Commitment, Morale Work with Federal employees, Not Against Them July 31, 2002
Strong Evidence Of Quid Pro Quo Between Bank And Enron Echoes Testimony Heard at February Hearing on Wall Street Analysts July 30, 2002
Lieberman Makes Affirmative Case for Homeland Security Legislation July 26, 2002
Civil Service Facts July 26, 2002
Bipartisan Homeland Security Bill Clears Committee Historic Agreements On Civil Service Reform Freedom Of Information July 25, 2002

Opening Statement of Senator Fred Thompson Business Meeting To Consider Establishing A Department Of Homeland Security

July 24, 2002

Senator Joe Lieberman . Department of Homeland Security Mark-Up Statement

July 24, 2002
Report Finds Government Information Systems Vulnerable to Attack Federal Government Lacks Coordinated Approach to Critical Infrastructure Protection July 22, 2002
Summary- Proposed Lieberman Substitute Amendment to S. 2452 for consideration at the Committee's July 24 Business Meeting July 18, 2002

Chairman Joe Lieberman; The nomination of Mark W. Everson to be Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President

July 17, 2002
Thompson Fights to Eradicate Tax Penalty on Public Servants July 11, 2002
June  2002

Lieberman Says Intelligence Unit within Homeland Security Department Must Have Adequate Authority To Safeguard America

June 27, 2002

Lieberman Hails Passage of E-Government Legislation

June 27, 2002
Lieberman Calls For Refocusing Military Resources to Strengthen Homeland Security Advocates specific, stepped-up role for National Guard that rebalances resources June 26, 2002

Chairman Joe Lieberman; Hearing on the Relationship Between a Department of Homeland Security and the Intelligence Community

June 26, 2002
Lieberman Welcomes Ridge To Hearing On Homeland Security Department June 20, 2002

Senators Call for GAO to Monitor FERC Restructuring

June 20, 2002
Senator Lieberman Statement Hearing on Department of Homeland Security June 20, 2002
GAO REPORT ON FERC Regulatory Agency Has Failed to Keep up with Changing Markets June 18, 2002

Lieberman, Carnahan Release GAO Report
Saying FERC Failed to Protect Energy Consumers

June 18, 2002
Lieberman Hails Passage of Paperwork Reduction Legislation June 18, 2002

Lieberman Presses For September 11 Remedies Future Attacks Are Not “Inevitable”

June 11, 2002
Sen. Joe Lieberman Testimony Before House Committee On Government Reform, National Security Subcommittee, Department Of Homeland Security June 11, 2002

September 11 Families Rally for Independent Commission

June 11, 2002

Lieberman Pleased Bush Plan Tracks His Own Hopes To Work With President For Rapid Passage Of Legislation

June 6, 2002

White House Delivers Documents Committee Imposes Strict Security Procedures

June 4, 2002
24-Hour Extension Granted To White House June 3, 2002
May  2002

Senator Joseph I. Lieberman Opening Statement:  Congressional Voting Representation  for Citizens of the District of Columbia

May 23, 2002

Lieberman Responds To Information Provided By White House

May 23, 2002

White House Subpoenas Issued For Enron Information Committee Also Reports Out Homeland Security Bill

May 22, 2002
Lieberman to seek Subpoena Authority May 17, 2002
Lieberman Condemns Binge Drinking among College Students as Serious Public Health Issue May 15, 2002
Energy Regulators Negligent In Investigating Enron
2001 FERC Inquiry Found No Cause For Concern
Lieberman Investigation Shows
May 15, 2002
Lieberman Letter to The Honorable Pat Wood, III
Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

May 15, 2002

Lieberman Statement: The Role of the Board of Directors in Enron’s Collapse

May 7, 2002

Lieberman Letter to White House Counsel

May 3, 2002

Homeland Security Reorganization Proposed Features White House Office And Cabinet-Level Department Accountability, Transparency Are Key

May 2, 2002

April  2002

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations: Senator Joe Lieberman Opening Statement, “Gas Prices: How are they Really Set?”

April 30, 2002

Senators Call For New Structure To Fight Terrorism At Home Bipartisan Proposal Creates Department, White House Office

April 11, 2002

Lieberman Responds To House Victory  On Stealth Pac Legislation Pushes For Bipartisan Fix

April 10, 2002

Lieberman Denounces Legislation Undercutting 527 Regulations Calls on House to Reject Amendment; Introduces Alternative Legislation

April 9, 2002

March  2002
Lieberman Seeks Enron Contacts From White House, Energy Task Force Also Seeks Contacts Between Agencies And White House

March 27, 2002

E-Government Bill Heads To Full Senate Bill Would Improve Access of Citizens to Government Services and Information

March 21, 2002

Lieberman Announces Intent To Issue More Subpoenas

March 21, 2002

  September 11 Commission Clears Committee, Heads To Full Senate

March 21, 2002

Committee Approves Thompson/Lieberman Bill To Streamline Presidential Appointment Process

March 20, 2002

Lieberman Asks Postal Service For Update  on Bioterrorism Protections

March 20, 2002

Lieberman Condemns House Ways and Means Amendment Undercutting The 527 Law

March 20, 2002

Floor Statement Of Senator Joseph Lieberman In Support Of Shays-Meehan/McCain-Feingold Bill

March 20, 2002

Lieberman Seeks Answers From Ridge On Homeland Security Improvements

March 20, 2002

Usps Business Plan Needs A Major Overhaul “Tinkering Will Not Be Sufficient,” Gao Says

March 20, 2002

Rating the Raters: Enron and the Credit Rating Agencies

March 20, 2002

GAC  Witnesses Describe Effects Of Lax Enforcement Rangers In Respirators; Fishermen With Open Sores

March 13, 2002

Lieberman Challenges Bush Environmental Record Blames Administration For Breaking “Bipartisan Consensus For Environmental Protection”

March 7, 2002

February  2002

Chairman Joe Lieberman Statement: Nomination Hearing of Louis Kincannon to be Director of the U.S. Census Bureau

February 28, 2002
Lieberman Questions Wall Street Analysts
Greater Protection Needed For Average Investors
February 27, 2002
Senator Joe Lieberman opening Statement: “The Watchdogs Didn’t Bark: Enron and the Wall Street Analysts” February 27, 2002
Lieberman, Thompson Seek Information On Agency Oversight Of Enron Letters To Agencies;  Subpoenas To Enron, Andersen February 15, 2002

Lieberman Celebrates Passage of Campaign Finance Reform Legislation Includes Lieberman-Thompson Amendment to Plug  Criminal Enforcement Loopholes

February 14, 2002
Lieberman Calls For 401(K) Reforms to Protect Employee Retirement Savings February 11, 2002
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States February 7, 2002
January  2002
"Retirement Insecurity: 401(k) Crisis at Enron", Statement by Chairman Joe Lieberman January 24, 2002
The Fall of Enron: How Could This Have Happened? January 24, 2002

Letter to:  The Honorable David Walker, Comptroller General, General Accounting Office

January 23, 2002
Lieberman, Levin To Probe Enron Collapse: Hearings Planned, PSI Investigation Underway: Press Statement attached January 2, 2002
December  2001
Lieberman, McCain Call for Commission to Investigate Terrorist Attacks-Senators Introduce Legislation to Create Bipartisan Board of Inquiry- December 20, 2001
Chairman Lieberman Press Conference Statement: The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States December 20, 2001
Lieberman Inquires Into Safety Of Rail Systems Suggests Technology Is “The Great Hope”   December 13, 2001
21 Programs Make $19.7 Billion In Improper Payments: Governmental Affairs Ranking Member Thompson Derides Provision in Farm Bill that Lessens Accountability for Waste December 13, 2001
Thompson, Lieberman Introduce Bill to Streamline Presidential Appointment Process: Legislation Intends to Break the Logjam of Nominees

December 12, 2001

Lieberman Calls for Greater Planning, Coordination, Communication Between Federal, State and Local Governments

December 11, 2001

Port Vulnerability To Terrorist Attack is “Terrifying,” Lieberman Says: He Calls For Better Use Of Technology, Agency Reorganization

December 6, 2001

Thompson/Warner Introduce Bill to Allow Homeland Security Agencies to Purchase Tools They Need to Fight Terrorism

December 6, 2001

Thompson, Akaka and Durbin Introduce Legislation to Strengthen America’s National Security Workforce

December 5, 2001

Thompson Says Federal Management Reform Vital For Successful Battle Against Terrorism

December 3, 2001

November  2001
Lieberman Salutes Aviation Security Agreement Contributes Amendment Funding Faster, More Effective Baggage Screening Technology

November 16, 2001

House/Senate Conferees Adopt Thompson Amendment Requiring Strict Performance Standards for Aviation Security

November 16, 2001

Lieberman: Aviation Security Not Where It Should Be Resolution Of Airport Security Legislation Is Critical

November 14, 2001

Stimulus Package Includes Lieberman IT Fund $1 Billion Would Fund Technologies That Improve Homeland Security

November 14, 2001

GAC Committee Approves DC Family Court Reform Other Bills Are Adopted And Sent To The Senate Floor

November 14, 2001

Lieberman Urges Conferees to Preserve Technology Upgrades in Airport Security Bill

November 13, 2001

Thompson Introduces Administration's Freedom to Manage Package to Reform Government

November 1, 2001

October 2001

Thompson Applauds Administration for Bringing Performance Management to Airport Security Operations

October 31, 2001

Lieberman Hears Of Public Health Response To Anthrax Contamination Through The Mail

October 31, 2001

Lieberman Queries Postmaster General, Postal Workers on Anthrax Response

October 30, 2001

Lieberman’s Airport Security Proposals Adopted

October 11, 2001

Lieberman, Specter Offer Homeland Defense Legislation Proposals Will Be Reviewed At Friday Hearing

October 11, 2001

Senators Introduce Frequent Flyer Legislation

October 4, 2001

Thompson Amendment Requires Performance Standards For Baggage Screeners

October 4, 2001

Thompson Wants to Know Who’s Ensuring Cybersecurity

October 3, 2001

Thompson: Federal Agencies Need Sound Financial Management Systems Now More Than Ever

October 1, 2001

September 2001

"Responding to Homeland Threats: Is Our Government Organized for the Challenge?" Opening Statement of Chairman Joe Lieberman

September 21, 2001

Lieberman Supports Creation of National Homeland Security Agency; Committee Hears Testimony on Anti-Terrorism Agency

September 21, 2001







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