
Grassley News

Let's Stay in Touch
I want to know what's on your mind so we can have the two-way communication that's vital to our system of representative government.
Click here to contact me
Order an American Flag
Nylon and cotton American flags that have been flown over the U.S. Capitol are available through my office.
Click here to order a flag
Feeding the World
Iowa agriculture plays a central role in feeding the world's growing population. My weekly commentary focuses on what Iowans are doing to feed the world's hungry.
Click here to read my weekly commentary



Next Step in the Health Care Debate
The next stage of the health care reform debate started this week, after the Senate Finance Committee reported its bill on Tuesday afternoon. The Finance Committee legislation is being merged with a bill passed last June by the Senate HELP Committee by committee leaders and the Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid. The merged legislation is likely to be presented... Read More

Working for Consumers
This week the Senate Judiciary Committee voted for legislation I sponsored to stop the wheeling and dealing that delays the entry of lower-priced medicines in the marketplace. My pro-consumer bill, the Preserve Access to Affordable Generics Act, would prohibit brand-name drug manufacturers from entering ...Read More



Working for Good Government
The Constitution gives Congress the authority to oversee the federal bureaucracy. Congress doesn't do enough to fulfull the responsibility. In fact, every year, more laws are passed giving more authority ... Read More

Creating Jobs
Small businesses are the gears that help make our economy run. They employ the majority of the American workforce and form the bedrock of many of our communities. With unemployment at 9.8 percent, it's common sense to look... Read More



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