GAO at a Glance

Current for fiscal year 2010:

Address: GAO Headquarters
441 G St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20548
Offices in the following cities: Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX: Dayton, OH; Denver, CO; Huntsville, AL; Los Angeles, CA; Norfolk, VA; San Francisco, CA; and Seattle, WA.
Year GAO was founded: 1921
Telephone no.: (202) 512-3000 (employee locator)
Agency head: Gene L. Dodaro
Acting Comptroller General of the United States
Staffing level: 3,350 employees
Budget : $571.1 million
Congressional testimony: 192
Measurable financial benefits from GAO work: $49.9 billion--an $87 return on every dollar invested in GAO
Recommendations to improve government operations: 2,005 (At the end of fiscal 2010, more than 80 percent of the recommendations GAO made five years earlier had been implemented.)