CBO Joins Other Congressional Offices to Kick Off Annual Global Race for the Cure

Last week CBO joined other Congressional offices to kick off the annual Global Race for the Cure in DC to raise funds for and awareness about the worldwide movement dedicated to the treatment and prevention of breast cancer.  At the “State of Pink” Rally on Capitol Hill, CBO webmaster and breast cancer survivor Simone Thomas joined Ambassador Nancy Brinker, the founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and several Members of Congress, including fellow survivors Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Sue Myrick (R-NC), to talk about the importance of breast cancer education and detection.  Simone described the emotions she experienced when she participated in the Race for the Cure just weeks after completing chemotherapy, expressed her appreciation for the support of friends, family and colleagues in her struggle, and reminded attendees that volunteering is a great way to get involved and offer support.  Last year, led by Simone, CBO’s Race for the Cure team was the top Congressional fundraising team, and Simone is looking forward to captaining the CBO team again this year.