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Letters From the Committee :: May 31, 2007

Miller Continues NASA IG Research, Requesting Interview Documents from PCIE

May 31, 2007

Mr. Clay Johnson III
President's Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency
Office of Management and Budget
725 17th St. NW, Room 113
Washington, DC 20503

Dear Mr. Johnson,

As part of the Committee's continuing review of the investigation of the President's Executive Councils on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE) of allegations against Robert Cobb, inspector general of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), I am requesting additional documents from the Record of Investigation which are under the control of PCIE.

By this letter, I am requesting an unredacted copy of the following documents:

All transcripts of interviews conducted with Courtney Stadd, former NASA chief of staff; Roberta Gross, former NASA inspector general; Michael Wholley, NASA general counsel; and Sean O'Keefe, former NASA administrator.

It is my understanding that there may have been multiple interivew with some of the persons named above. Our request encompasses transcripts of all of the interviews.

Read the complete letter to Chairman Johnson»

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