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  12-1 595 H RES 1724 Yea
  12-1 594 H RES 1217 Aye
  12-1 593 H J RES 101 Nay
  12-1 592 H RES 1430 Aye
  12-1 591 H RES 1735 Aye

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» Complete voting history - 2nd Session


Home Star Energy Retrofit Act passes House with congresswoman’s amendment

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today succeeded in improving a bill aimed at creating jobs, cutting utility costs and providing immediate incentives for consumers who renovate their homes to become more energy-efficient.

The Southern Arizona lawmaker added an amendment to the Home Star Energy Retrofit Act that will make scholarships available for individuals seeking training and certification in energy retrofitting.

“To take full advantage of the Home Star programs, we need to grow a workforce that can implement these programs in every state and any home,” Giffords said. “The scholarships made possible by my amendment will help those looking for jobs to get the training they need to take advantage of this new program.”

Giffords spoke about the bill and her amendment on the floor of the House earlier today. Video of her remarks can be viewed here.

Home Star is designed to spur home energy retrofits by providing rebates to homeowners who install energy-saving products, such as insulation, windows, doors, and heating systems. It is estimated that the Home Star programs will help families in Arizona and across the nation save more than $9 billion on their energy bills over the next decade. 

“I enthusiastically voted for the Home Star Energy Retrofit Act because it not only helps Americans in their homes, it also creates jobs in all 50 states,” Giffords said. “Whether you live in sunny Arizona, or icy Alaska, people will have an opportunity to work with local installers to make upgrades to their homes. And best of all, most of these technologies are manufactured here in the United States.”

The bill passed the House today in a 246-to-161 vote. It now goes to the Senate for consideration.

The legislation has the endorsement of a broad range of business, labor, environmental, and consumer groups. Among the supporters is Tucson builder John Wesley Miller, a national leader in green building practices.

“Once again, Congresswoman Giffords has stepped up to the plate and hit a home run for those of us in the home building and remodeling business,” he said. “This legislation will be a boon to home remodeling and fits perfectly with the growing influence of green building.”

Other supporters include the National Association of Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Home Builders, and the Home Star Coalition, which includes more than 1,000 business and other organizations.

Writing yesterday in The Hill newspaper, Spence Abraham, the former Secretary of Energy and a former U.S. Senator from Michigan, and John Engler, the president of the National Association of Manufacturers and the former governor of Michigan, praised the bill as “a straight-forward, private-sector rebate program for homeowners who invest in improving their home’s energy efficiency.”

Home Star includes two tracks to provide both long- and short-term benefits. The Silver Star program will provide up-front rebates for the installation of specific energy-saving technologies, including insulation, duct sealing, windows and doors, air sealing, and water heaters. Homeowners will be able to receive up to $3,000 in rebates under Silver Star.

The Gold Star program rewards homeowners who conduct a comprehensive energy audit and implement a full complement of measures to reduce energy use throughout their home. Consumers will receive $3,000, or half the cost, for measures that reduce energy use by 20 percent, and can receive up to $8,000 when additional energy savings are achieved.

Home Star also creates an innovative financing program to be sure that energy efficiency investments continue after the program’s conclusion.

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