if (typeof CN === 'undefined' || !CN) { var CN = {}; } /** * @class CN ad * @public * @memberOf CN * @author Russell Munson */ CN.ad = CN.ad || {}; /** * Lotame Crowd Control and DFP plugin. * Extend current kw-set with kws from pulled from Lotame * Load up the Crowd Control data collector and soucre it * after page load is complete. * * @requires CN.dart * @requires CN * @requires jQuery * @author Russell Munson */ CN.ad.lotame = (function($,$CNd,$D) { var protocol = location.protocol || 'http:', timeout = 1000, separator = '|', siteName = CN.site.name || location.hostname.split('.').splice(-2)[0], // Key-value pair of site codes - should match siteMagDomain spring property && CN.site.name siteCodes = { allure : [ 293, 1666 ], architecturaldigest : [ 294, 1667 ], bonappetit : [ 295, 1668 ], brides : [ 296, 1669 ], concierge : [ 297, 1670 ], details : [ 298, 1671 ], 'epicurious.com' : [ 299, 1672 ], glamour : [ 300, 1673 ], golfdigest : [ 301, 1674 ], gourmet : [ 000, 0000 ], gq : [ 302, 1675 ], luckymag : [ 303, 1676 ], newyorker : [ 304, 1677 ], nutritiondata : [ 305, 1678 ], self : [ 306, 1679 ], style : [ 307, 1680 ], teenvogue : [ 308, 1681 ], vanityfair : [ 309, 1682 ], vogue : [ 310, 1683 ], wmagazine : [ 311, 1684 ], wired : [ 312, 1685 ], webmonkey : [ 318, 1690 ] }, code = siteCodes[siteName] ? siteCodes[siteName][0] : false, placement = siteCodes[siteName] ? siteCodes[siteName][1] : false, url = [ protocol + '//webharvest.gov/congress111th/20101202171012/http://ad.crwdcntrl.net/4/to=y', 'p='+placement, 'var=CN.ad.lotame.tags', 'out=json'].join(separator), ccurl = [ protocol + '//webharvest.gov/congress111th/20101202171012/http://tags.crwdcntrl.net/c/', '/cc.js'].join(code), /** * Grab the list of lotame audience kws, and if the * request is successful, register the plugin with CN.dart. * @private */ audience = function(){ if(!placement) { return false; } $.ajax({ url : url,// + separator + audienceParams, dataType : 'script', timeout : 500, error : function(x,t){ $D.info(plugin.name + ' plugin disabled',['script ' + t, 'using site code ' + code]) }, success : register }) return true; }, /** * Build some meta-data to pass to lotame. * @private */ behaviors = { /** * Attempt to parse out the article title. * Try any h1 or h2 tags on the page, and cross reference with the doc title. */ title : function(){ var sep, ret, dt=behaviors.clean(document.title), sep_regex='([\\s\\W]*)'; $('h1,h2').each(function(){ dt.replace(new RegExp('.*(' + behaviors.clean($(this).text()) + ').*','gi'), function($1,$2){ ret=$2 || ret; return $2 } ); }); if(!ret || ret===" "){ ret=dt.replace(new RegExp('^|' + sep_regex + CN.site.domain + sep_regex + '|' + sep_regex + CN.site.title + sep_regex + '|$','gi'), function($1,$2,$3,$4){ sep=$2||$3||$4||sep; return $2; } ); } return sep ? ret.split(sep) : ret; }, /** * Grab the meta-data keywords */ kws : function(){ return [].concat($.map(($('meta[name="keywords"]',document).attr('content') || "").split(','),function($1){ return CN.utils.trim($1); })); }, clean : function(str){ return (CN.utils.trim(str).match(/[\w-:]+/g) || []).join(" "); } }, /** * Source in lotame's crowd control data collection script. * But, don't load it until dom ready, * may give more accurate data, but mostly mean to decrease imact on user. * @private */ crowdControl = function(){ var interests=[], lot; if(!code) { return false; } lot = document.createElement('script'); lot.src = ccurl; lot.setAttribute('async', 'true'); $(function(){ $('head',document).append(lot); try { interests=interests.concat(behaviors.title(),behaviors.kws()); } catch(er) { $D.error('CN Ad Lotame behaviors prase error. Skipping data assist',[er]) } if(typeof LOTCC ==='undefined'){ LOTCC = { asyncBehaviors: {}, async: true }; } LOTCC.asyncBehaviors['int'] = interests; }); return true; }, init = function(){ return parse(); }, /** * Parse the lotame audience object, extract usable kws, and * return an ad object with the kws appened for CN.dart validation. * @private */ parse = function(){ var i=0, len, aud, ret=[], // Note: this value is populated by the lotame audience script. // The variable name is configured above in the url array. tags = CN.ad.lotame.tags; if(!tags) { return false; } if(tags.Profile){ aud=tags.Profile.Audiences.Audience, len=aud.length; for(; i< len;i++){ ret.push(aud[i].abbr) } } return { ad : {kws : $CNd.get('ad').kws.concat(ret)} } }, plugin = { init : init, name : 'CN Ad Lotame Audience kws' }, register = function(){ $CNd.register(plugin); crowdControl(); } if(!code){ $D.error(plugin.name + ' missing code for this site. Verify the site is in the list.',[siteCodes]) return false; } //Attempt to get the audience data right away. audience(); return { tags : false } })(jQuery,CN.dart, CN.debug)