Today at 11:00 am Eastern, U.S. Reps. George Miller (D-CA) and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) will hold a press conference to introduce new legislation to protect all children in schools from misuse of restraint and seclusion. Miller is the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee and a member of Democratic leadership, McMorris Rodgers is a member of the Committee and the Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference.

This legislation is the first national effort to prevent and reduce harmful restraint and seclusion in schools. A recent U.S. Government Accountability Office investigation found hundreds of allegations that schoolchildren have been abused, and some even died, as a result of the inappropriate use of restraint and seclusion in classrooms; a disproportionate number of them were children with disabilities. Yet unlike in hospitals, and other medical and community-based facilities that receive federal funding, there are currently no federal policies that prevent the misuse of restraint and seclusion in schools. State regulation and oversight varies greatly; many states provide no guidance or assistance regarding these behavioral interventions.

U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee
U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), a member of the House Education and Labor Committee and Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference
Curt Decker, Executive Director, National Disability Rights Network
Michael A. Resnick, Associate Executive Director, National School Boards Association
Nicole and Alan Holden whose 3-year-old son was repeatedly inappropriately restrained in his public pre-school classroom, Muskegon, MI
Other families of children who have been the victims of harmful restraint and seclusion in classrooms

Press Conference to Introduce Legislation to Prevent Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools

Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 11:00AM EST

To watch an archived webcast of the press conference, click here (67.4 MB file)


Legislation to Protect All Children in Schools from Abuse fails to ABOLISH Physical/Corporal Punishment of Children in Schools, still legal and practiced in 20 states by allowing school employees to hit children with WOODEN PADDLES to punish them causing physical, psychological and emotional harm and sexual exploitation!

I have some concerns about this bill such as will this include private,charter,residential, and state ran facilities such as group homes and so on. how will this be enforced as there are similar laws in NY state that already are un effect and they are ignored. So with that said I pray this bill covers all that is needed in ALL educational setting wheter state or private!
Thank you Congressman Miller and Congresswomen Rodgers for taking the time to hear us and asve our children!

After my son was hit by a car and recovering from a compound fracture to his leg, he had to take a train into the city and then walk up a one mile hill that was the equivalent of a 10 story climb. This was in winter, very snowy. Our car was totaled when it careened into a concrete wall trying to get him to the train station (we make it though). All this because he wanted to be in school. He changed from being an Adhd success story to sickly and angry. One girl in this program committed suicide. I went to three lawyers before I gave up. They all had the school district as a client. I would recommend that legal resources for abuse be provided for all special ed student and that an out of district lawyer be provided.

Tammie -- Sorry for the very belated posting of your comment and this reply. Unknown to us, we were/are having some technical difficulties and didn't discover your comment until just now. There is more information on this legislation here: and on definitions used in the bill here:

From the definitions webpage:
Programs affected by this legislation are "Public or private early childhood, elementary and secondary schools and school programs that receive support in any form from federal education funds. Head Start programs will also be included."


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