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Programs for children and babies get stimulus boost
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Last updated: Thursday July 29, 2010, 1:20 AM
Community News (Garfield Edition)

Funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will contribute more than $1.3 million in additional federal support in providing vital services to Bergen County families, according to the Bergen County Community Action Partnership (BCCAP). The stimulus funds have allowed for the expansion of both Head Start to 40 additional families and the inception of Early Head Start for 72 families.

Federal stimulus funds have allowed for the expansion of both Head Start and Early Head Start. Enrollment is open for centers in Garfield, Bergenfield and Hackensack. Above, children in the process of learning through play are pictured at the Garfield center.
Federal stimulus funds have allowed for the expansion of both Head Start and Early Head Start. Enrollment is open for centers in Garfield, Bergenfield and Hackensack. Above, children in the process of learning through play are pictured at the Garfield center.

The Early Head Start Program for 0- to 3-year-olds and the Head Start Program for 3- to 5-year-olds, provide comprehensive infant, toddler, and child development services to children from low-income families. They are child-focused programs that embrace the entire family.

Head Start Director Nancy Griner said, "This holistic program includes education, health, mental health, social services, and nutrition services for children from income eligible families. Also, additional special services are provided for children with disabilities. We focus on the total development of the child, while creating a more stable family environment."

In addition to offering comprehensive child development programs, the ARRA-funded grant has made it possible for BCCAP Early Head Start to launch the new Pregnant Moms Program. This program recruits income eligible expecting moms and offers health, social and emotional counseling and informational workshops that will help to ensure the healthy birth of the baby.

"Head Start and Early Head Start programs have helped put millions of children on the path to success," said Federal Health and Human Services Spokeswoman Jenny Backus. "The Recovery Act will strengthen these critical programs and ensure they can serve more families in these tough economic times."

Head Start and Early Head Start applications are being accepted for September enrollment at the Hackensack, Bergenfield and Garfield locations. For enrollment information and applications, contact Pat Myers at 201-968-0200, ext. 7003.

Funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will contribute more than $1.3 million in additional federal support in providing vital services to Bergen County families, according to the Bergen County Community Action Partnership (BCCAP). The stimulus funds have allowed for the expansion of both Head Start to 40 additional families and the inception of Early Head Start for 72 families.

The Early Head Start Program for 0- to 3-year-olds and the Head Start Program for 3- to 5-year-olds, provide comprehensive infant, toddler, and child development services to children from low-income families. They are child-focused programs that embrace the entire family.

Head Start Director Nancy Griner said, "This holistic program includes education, health, mental health, social services, and nutrition services for children from income eligible families. Also, additional special services are provided for children with disabilities. We focus on the total development of the child, while creating a more stable family environment."

In addition to offering comprehensive child development programs, the ARRA-funded grant has made it possible for BCCAP Early Head Start to launch the new Pregnant Moms Program. This program recruits income eligible expecting moms and offers health, social and emotional counseling and informational workshops that will help to ensure the healthy birth of the baby.

"Head Start and Early Head Start programs have helped put millions of children on the path to success," said Federal Health and Human Services Spokeswoman Jenny Backus. "The Recovery Act will strengthen these critical programs and ensure they can serve more families in these tough economic times."

Head Start and Early Head Start applications are being accepted for September enrollment at the Hackensack, Bergenfield and Garfield locations. For enrollment information and applications, contact Pat Myers at 201-968-0200, ext. 7003.

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