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Hot Fuel: Big Oil's Double Standard for Measuring Gasoline PDF Print

With current gasoline prices averaging more than $3 per gallon, Chairman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) held a Domestic Policy Subcommittee hearing to examine the high gasoline prices, specifically addressing the “hot fuels” problem – during the summer, the amount of gasoline by weight in a gallon is less than the same gallon pumped during winter.

The hearing examined the impact on consumers and attitudes of industry toward the effect of the thermal expansion of gasoline on the practical price of gasoline at the retail pump.

Video of the hearing:

You need to have Windows Media Player in order to view this performance. Download it from

The hearing considered:

  • How the petroleum industry in the United States addresses hot fuels, including both wholesale and retail transactions;
  • Steps underway at the governmental level, including matters before the upcoming meeting of the National Conference on Weights and Measures;
  • How government and industry in Canada have addressed hot fuels, and what steps, if any, the federal government should take.

The Domestic Policy Subcommittee has oversight jurisdiction over the Department of Energy.

The following witnesses will testify:

Panel I
  • Mr. Richard Suiter, Weights & Measures Coordinator, National Institute of Technology and Standards
  • Mr. Michael Cleary, Chairman, National Conference on Weights and Measures
  • Mr. Martin Gafinowitz, CEO, Gilbarco Veeder-Root
  • Mr. John Seibert, Owner Operated Independent Truck Drivers Association
Panel II
  • Mr. Rex Tillerson, CEO, Exxon-Mobil (invited)
  • Mr. John Hofmeister, President, Shell (invited)
  • Mr. R. Timothy Columbus, General Counsel, National Association of Convenience Stores and General Counsel, Independent Gasoline Marketers of America

Committee On Oversight and Government Reform

U.S. House of Representatives | 2157 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, D.C. 20515 | (202) 225-5051